Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.4136149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4135439 (pb)

>Mostly hope fags posting gay shit.

Holy shit…I just said basically the same thing…and if you Q-uestion anything the terrified hopefags attack.


GUISE…it is wise

to be in balance

with all that is

and is not

release expectations

work in the now

hope is the great destroyer.


hopefagging…Q…post at PF the breads…are just being wasted with "yes boss" and "begging" posts. Other information is being completely missed….yes yes the messages are not for us…but fuckitol put them on your own damn board.


Some tits and beer…the best.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 3:43 p.m. No.4136171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6566

>>4133189 (pb repost for halpers)


This is actually a real threat (attention halpers…) But it's going to be more from people in the Tsquare crowd…strapped to blow. I've seen this multiple times and it's ugly. As usual there is never a timeline…but now there is a threat…not saying packages etc are not a threat…but this feels more like a look here sort of thing…sadly I'm not sure how you'll catch someone with c4 strapped under their winter coat.


holy shit i can't even get to scroll to new posts before the bread is blown. FUCKINA….reposting for halpers because shit I can't even read through the begging.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.4136236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6305 >>6369

>>4135786 (pb kek)

>My favorite story is a neighbor opening the door, hearing what the purpose of the visit is, shouting "ANON IS A GOOD BOY WHO NEVER DONE NOTHIN'", and slamming the door.


KEK..I was somewhat relieved that they apparently never discovered that my sister's ex BF once worked for Ghaddafi…


They need to lighten up on the weed. As long as they're not using during working hours..fuck off..the weed can help a brain relax and go into that space where answers can be found. Weed could actually HELP solve crime…nope..instead they have zero issues with them getting shitfaced every night…on alcohol. That's one reason I'd never even bother to ask to work for them now…nope.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.4136296   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>We support Republicans, FOX news, Evangelists, and alt-media!

speak for yourself asshole. Go back to reddit if you want to "we".


I support tits. And honestly with your level of fuckery…I really should post my support of Obamas

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.4136370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6463


>That stuff not happening is why I choose MJ over Rx to deal

It's ok to take xanex and SSRIs tho….I don't care what the offer is, I'm not giving up my evening non harmful pain relief. Cause giving in to an asshole gov that banned a plant for big pharma profits…nope. Fix that…they we'll talk.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.4136470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6555 >>6563 >>6564 >>6571 >>6609


>Thc gets stored in fat cells and can remain there for weeks or months.

How stupid do you have to be to post that? Do you realize that traces in your body fat does not equal being under the influence? AND if you think there are not traces of alcohol in your system LONG after you are not under the influence…there are no drawbacks to cannabis.


As we see people will use anything to distraction…including paint thinner. As ron Paul said you can't legislate morality (or intelligence)


I don't give a shit what you are or are not against.


Ask anyone

who would YOU rather meet in a dark alley


or a stoned person


the answer is ALWAYS the stoned person you know why? Drunks are violent, angry and dangerous. A stoned person wants to hug you and share Doritos. Alcohol is the " medicine of a closed heart and anger" Cannabis is the "medicine" of opening the heart, creativity….


anyone who is against cannabis in any way…needs to fuck off and share a joint….and wake the fuck up.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.4136544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6595


>Granted, I wanna be able to get high as fuuuuuuuuck whenever I have vacation days.


>Though, I'd expect them to hold everyone else to the same standard involving drinking.

KEK….same standard? NOT with big pharma trembling they'll lose money…for pain relief, especially muscular/bones…'s amazing..even for emotional pain…I cannot use it during the day while working otherwise the work would come out a bit…too honest (textbooks), which isn't bad but under the current regime of Snowflake Editions…but my bedtime relief…I am not going to give that up and I shouldn't have to. I won't touch alcohol. It's poisoned my people to the point of extinction….nope…but plant medicines…(and I mean unadulturated)…yep.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.4136582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6631


>Dude, fuck xany bars and seroquel/et al.

all of those drugs MUST be banned for use…meaning…if you're on them you can't be holding a job that involves public safety…as well as opiod pain killers…watch the fuckers SCREAM if you ban and restrict these dangerous drugs….WAAAAAA and give their addicts the exact same treatment they had to Cannabis users.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.4136695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6712 >>6779 >>6792


>What about adderol, though?

that shit…


kek…they are trying to ban caffine…did you know coffee contains DMT and Kansas in their zeal to ban that…banned everything that contained it? SHIIIT MY BRAIN IS BANNED…we have some really really stupid people in charge.


Right now they are trying to ban Kratom. If you google it…you will see horrible things…but then go to the American Kratom Society page and read the real science…well guess who has a huge financial interest in the company that developed a synthetic Kratom? OH…could it be that guy at the FDA in charge…of banning Kratom? It's a coffee family plant that acts on opiod receptors but is not an opiod…can you imagine opiod-like pain relief WITH NO SIDE effects? Yep..big pharma can't many people are using Kratom that they are bleeding money…so now they are going state by state with their fake shit trying to get pharmacy boards to ban it….the filth in these agencies is filth.

Anonymous ID: 6002f6 Dec. 3, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.4136788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


shrooms should absolutely be legal and microdosing must be studied…the relief that cold give our returning soldiers for their PTSD….and cannabis..did you know if a soldier gets caught using cannabis for his PTSD he can be banned from the VA?


I don't know how I manage to tolerate this Q process as I loath the corrupt vile government so much…loath. Our soldiers should be given the best.


You can't use shrooms like you can weed…even microdosing it's 2g for four days then three days off…repeat…then off two weeks.


Still people are stupid..look at all the fucking idiots filming their salvia "trips"


I also hate those who abuse plant medicines…but at the same time realize there are people so stupid and so determined to check out that they will take anything…and we should let them…I don't know why we try to save heroin ODs…I get addiction, I also get getting well…and that some people are never going to get the damn gene pool.