twice now in one week a plane has crashed into a childrens area.
last time it was autism, plane and something else
now its broward, plane and what else
twice now in one week a plane has crashed into a childrens area.
last time it was autism, plane and something else
now its broward, plane and what else
bro i got an idea
its a wave length but it is incubating and also oscillating at the same time.
it is the ttype of technology tesla talked about, an invisible, nature, coax cable, through the air… this is for sure a cylinder shape wave
kind of like an ice cream
back when I first started smoking weed it would make be very paranoid, i had a lot of things buried, and smoking would make me think about them, would make me think just in general about a lot of stuff. anyway. eventually i enjoyed being baked because i dealt with the shit that I would think about when stoned, while I was sober! so i could relax and actually enjoy my evening..
sounds like a good time