You're doing exactly as we want you to do.
How the fuck do you expect us to mock your stupid fucking ass in perpetuity unless you keep posting?
Stupid dumbass. we've got bread fo rhte rest of your pathetic life.
That's an interestng way of stating that Q chose to mock the fuck out of you and your clown buddies.
Because you're probably not mossad like superkike, but corona and big bird do mean something to you clowns..
Those aren't quads. Those are wasted dubs.
Wasted because you if you call out your own digits, fred, it invalidates them.
I see you're finally starting to recover from being shanked by Q..
You're back to spamming random salad instead of butthurt salad.
> love
I always wondered if this was a botpost.
Now I can say that you really must like the shit out of this vid.
OCD levels of like.