Anonymous ID: 1bcf7a Dec. 3, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.4139942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4139488 5270

Gary Caradori had a distinguished career in law enforcement and investigation, and was hired by the Nebraska state Franklin Committee, chaired by state senator Loran Schmit, to investigate the allegations of a child sex-slavery and drug running ring being run by then prominent Omaha black financier, Larry King, who was at the time facing charges for embezzling $40,000,000 from his own Franlin Federal Credit Union in North Omaha. But during the scandal, allegations emerged of a child sex and drug ring being run in conjunction with the embezzlement. But that wasn't all. The sex-ring itself was at least nationwide, and stretched all the way from the Los Angeles metropolitan area in California, to Washington, D.C., and even included allegations that the highest echelons of the Reagan-Bush, and then the subsequent Bush administrations were implicated. The modus operandi was clear: prominent politicians with a taste for pedophilia, drugs, and other activities were being blackmailed. There were even allegations that this ring, with some of the "recruited" adolescents from Nebraska, was given private late night "tours" of the White House, taken into areas of the executive mansion that were normally off limits to the public.

Anonymous ID: 1bcf7a Dec. 3, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.4140147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0227 >>0269 >>0367

That the Stones plane made an appearance last night per anon, this popped up regarding Poppy…

After meetings with Casey in the summer of 1982, Bush agreed to use the vice-president’s office as a cover for Black Eagle, according to a retired army covert operative assigned to Black Eagle. Gregg, a veteran CIA official, was assigned to work out of Bush’s office as the Washington liaison to Black Eagle operatives in Central America, coordinating financial and operational details. Gregg made regular status reports on Black Eagle to Bush, who relayed them to Casey. “Bush and Gregg were the asbestos wall,” says the career military man, who used the code name Lew Archer. “You had to burn through them to get to Casey.”


Felix Rodriguez, a close friend of Gregg’s since 1970, when they served together in Vietnam, had a unique soldier-statesman role in the Black Eagle operation: he not only handled airfield logistics for the arms airlifts to the contras but also traveled throughout Central America as a special envoy, authorized to negotiate with military commanders and even chiefs of state.

The Iran-Contra Affair (Operation Black Eagle, later Operation Screw Worm; sometimes called Iran-gate) was the result of an arms deal between the United States, Iran and the Nicaraguan Contras, an anti-communist guerilla group operating against the Marxist government of Nicaragua. Essentially, arms were sold to Iran despite an international embargo which was spearheaded just years earlier by the United States. The proceeds from this arms sale were then used to purchase additional arms for the Contras operating in the mountains of Nicaragua. When these transactions became public a special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh was appointed. Walsh then prosecuted a number of high-level Reagan Administration officials. Although not generally known at the time, two future Presidents, George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, were also involved. The matter ended later with President George H. W. Bush pardoning the key players on the eve of their trial.

While the foreign policy of the United States is explicitly the purvue of the President, Congress nonetheless retains the power of the purse. President Reagan wished to actively oppose the Soviet and Cuban fomented violence and Marxist revolution in Central America, and their active material support of the communist regime of Daniel Ortega and the Nicaragua Sandinistas. The Boland Amendment however, forbid the use of any US federal funds to overthrow the Nicaraguan communist regime. Sources of funding were sought elsewhere.[1]


CIA Director William Casey masterminded an arrangement through private, non-governmental entities and international arms sellers to raise funds and arm the Contras. A split-off policy followed to sell arms to Iran in its war with Saddam Hussein which Iran was badly losing. Arms sales to Iran also hopefully would improve US-Iranian relations which hit a low and broke off during the Carter administration.


Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas responded to the official foreign policy directive of the United States in support of overthrowing the Sandinista regime by sending contingents of the Arkansas National Guard to Honduras to assist in training the Nicarauguan Contras.[2]

Anonymous ID: 1bcf7a Dec. 3, 2018, 7 p.m. No.4140448   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Billy Blythe gets a nod. and lest we forget


Regardless of the motives of those behind the Supermarket, the operation was welcomed by the contra leadership and by Miami’s powerful community of contra supporters. One of the best-known leaders of that community was John “Jeb” Bush, the vice-president’s thirty-five-year-old son. While serving as the Dade County Republican-party chairman, Jeb Bush had been raising money privately to keep the contras intact. “The word on the street was that Jeb was the man to see if you wanted to help the contras,” says John Mattes, a former assistant federal public defender. A 1985-86 U.S.-customs investigation of contra gunrunning implicated Jeb Bush, but he has denied any wrongdoing. The investigation of him was not pursued.


In the first ten months of 1985, Martin and Delamico delivered $2 million in weapons. At first North and Adolpho Calero, the civilian leader of the contras, approved the payments, but in late 1985, North suddenly ordered Calero to refuse all further Supermarket weapons shipments. To enforce the decision, North rearranged the secret bank accounts, eliminating Calero’s authority to disburse funds and allocating the power strictly to himself. In the meantime, Martin and Delamico had continued their purchases, amassing an additional $18 million in weapons in Honduran warehouses, pending further payments. “They got left hanging,” Rodriguez told us.


Farmers send things to Supermarkets. Makes anon wonder if trolling abounds all around.

Anonymous ID: 1bcf7a Dec. 3, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.4140632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In November 1986, Americans learned that their Government had sold arms to Iran in hopes of gaining the release of hostages, diverted the profits to the Nicaraguan contras and lied about it. Congress demanded to know who was responsible. High on the list of suspects was William J. Casey, the mumbling, buccaneering cold warrior who ran Ronald Reagan's Central Intelligence Agency. In December, a stroke incapacitated him. Casey died five months later, his lips forever sealed just as the Iran-contra hearings began.


This Allen Drury-style plot twist probably did more than anything else in Casey's life to infuse it with legend. It is possible that by allowing what the Director of Central Intelligence may have told the President about the Iran-contra affair to remain a mystery, Casey's death might have kept Mr. Reagan in office. More likely, had Casey regained his health and defended himself before Congress and the courts and in lectures and memoirs - for which, no doubt, he would have made certain he was magnificently compensated - we would not find the prospect of Casey, Joseph E. Persico's biography, nearly so interesting.