Anonymous ID: e3ff7d Dec. 3, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.4140285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SAT offline.




As in C_A Directorate of Science & Technology

Past DS&T projects include CORONA, MKULTRA, remote viewing.

SNOW WHITE most certainly aligns under DS&T:

>"In many cases we already have the capability to collect far more than we can process or report. We are confronting real issues of volume – how do we deal with massive amounts of data?"

>– Dr. Ruth David, CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology, "Taking Stock: An Interview with Dr. Ruth David, CIA's Deputy Director for Science and Technology," Studies in Intelligence, 40, 3 (Fall 1996).

>In September 1995, Ruth David replaced James Hirsch as Deputy Director for Science and Technology. David had been director of Sandia Laboratory's Strategic Thrust in Advanced Information Technologies. Not surprisingly, her primary emphasis as DDS&T was in the information technology area – an area that a 1995 blue ribbon review panel had recommended be a key area of DS&T activity.

>In order to enhance the DS&T's role, David established three new offices, the Clandestine Information Technology Office, the Office of Advanced Analytical Tools, and the Office of Advanced Projects.

Extrapolated from Q#234 SNOW WHITE mission included shilling and consensus cracking.

I believe this is secondary.

Hypothesis SNOW WHITE primary missions are/were SOCMINT and general intelligence aggregation.

Q team blinded SAT with Q#2009-2012 SNOW WHITE OFFLINE and Q#2013-2016 CORONA OFFLINE.

WITH real time analysis power, social platforms are a view into our thoughts, locations, actions.

WITHOUT real time processing power, social platforms become a liability.

Hence deplatforming of thought leaders.

Hence blackouts, still to come.

Is Twitter down in Paris?