Don't risk your social standing on the veracity of propaganda/psyops meant of the enemy.
That would be far too much work for a boost of a few tens of thousands of viewers maybe three or four times.
Maybe someone can answer a few questions:
Why are the Markets shutting down for a presidential funeral?
Has this ever happened before? Is it a regular occurrence?
Same questions for the postal service, which I hear is also shutting down for the day.
Why would you think the Q, or anyone in the government, would be in control of the scheduling of a private broadcasting corporation?
Q doesn't claim to be a god.
Damn, I was hoping it was some sort of cover for action.
Thanks anon. That info is really helpful. Was hoping it was something stranger than that, but it could be used as convenient cover for some sort of action still.
Hope so, anyways. This whole deal is starting to get boring.
He literally told us before the broadcast began.