Anonymous ID: 72570c Feb. 17, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.414590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4615 >>4623 >>4863

A lot is being discussed about MKUltra and meds. In the absence of these, you have the repetitive narrative which, when hammered into the brains of unsuspecting Americans, becomes the truth. OP Mockingbird was/is actually brilliant: why wouldn't a citizen believe what he hears on 2-3 stations, plus can read in any liberal newspaper? An unknowing victim of a manufactured system!


How many times have you cited a point not in the fake MSM, but has been proven, only to hear, "What? I never heard that. That isn't true."


How many times did Barry tell the country that his was the first administration that was scandal free? I actually had a friend say this to me last week. I almost lost a friend during that conversation after I started naming the highlights: Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Etc. My friend went into a meltdown, hysterically screaming at me in public. I can't say we will have contact any time soon.


Conversely, why do others, like the people here and who voted for POTUS, feel so strongly that the fake news is wrong? I've done my own research, I've listened to the other side's narrative, and have come to my own conclusions. One is that the liberal agenda is full of hypocrisy and deflection.


I know for 8 years I felt as though it was all a nightmare. Before anyone said it here, I was saying left is right, up is down, north is south. Nothing was as I was brought up to believe.


I know Q said 4-6% are lost. Personally, I think that number is much higher. How can people outright blame POTUS for the FL shooting, yet never held Barry accountable for the ones that happened over his 8 years? Why didn't HE solve the problem?


Why did a good portion of the population think that it was ok to kill police officers during the whole BLM debacle? They seemed to morph into Antifa…what next? We await the next brainwashing…