>>4141755 lb
That makes two Jewish Cafe's named Cafe 41
>>4134833 prev
Mate, you need to go to the pub
And order a pint of Guiness
And then tick follows tock follows tick
Good things
To those
W a i t . . .
Just don't use driverless cars.
Fuck them up if you can risk the jail time
But don't use their services.
And don't use Uber either.
Use a local taxi company that serves only your community.
We have to stop spending our money with huge corporate monopolies
That spend their profits far, far from our homes.
We have to support small business
Support local business
Local cafes, not Starbucks
Don't let the Left bring in Communism by the backdoor of Corporate Monopolies.
All women are different
Diversity is the spice of life
Find the one you love, who love you
My condolences for your son.
He will feel the pain soon
Slavery is no laughing matter.
The slavemaster makes it sound great at first,
But make not mistake
The MASTER is in full control
And he WILL crank down the thumbscrews
And cut the payrates
When he feels that he has enough slaves by the balls.
Local people should run local politics
And that means that local politicians should make local laws
To control local transport
And make it feasible for local businesses
To supply STABLE local transport services.
Stable transport supports local economies.