Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 3, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.4144779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797 >>4810 >>4822 >>4838 >>4839 >>4844 >>4845 >>4849 >>4859 >>4869 >>4874 >>4877 >>4887 >>4893 >>4895 >>4897 >>4913 >>4932 >>4963 >>4974 >>5011 >>5046 >>5096 >>5127 >>5145 >>5165 >>5250 >>5335

The seismic 17 second cycle event was THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD.


I was a Navyfag, Oceansystems Tech. The job I did for 5 years was mentioned in Tom Clancy’s book “Hunt for Red October” Think “Jonesey”. Q knows EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Its mission was classified until sometime in the 90’s. We analyzed acoustical sounds ocean wide and hunted “Red October”. We were VERY good at what we did. This article will tell you what would have put me into Fed Penn for 10 years a few decades ago.


On 11/11/2018 a very strange seismic “signature” was detected and reported; not by experts, but by a seismic “enthusiast” from New Zealand. Once he sounded the alarm, there was no putting the cork back in. The signature of this seismic was later reported by seismologist all around the world. A signature that was “not natural” – no expert could interpret or explain it. Some experts stated it was as if a “HUGE bell had been rung”. – (Think WWG1WGA! KEK)


Given what I did in the Navy, I knew that CINCLANTFLEET AND CINCPACFLEET were going NUTs over this; or should have. SweatCon conditions should have elevated; but weren’t. The OT rate had the epicenter of this down to a gnats ass; pin pointed between outer reefs and a island claimed by the French – but no response from the military side; interdasting.


I looked closely at the seismic signature and immediately understood, from experience, that it was MAN MADE and not a Kraken fart train. THIS is what I did for over five years in the Navy! It was starting to be reported by many different seismology labs from around the world. The “sound” was at such a low frequency, that once it was trapped in the sound channel axis, it went around the world; through oceans – through bedrock – around the world!


Spouseanon and I sat down and started to piece this together. If it was not earth created by faults or magma (as attributed by “experts – BS!) then what was the source?


I know that the percentage of the general public aware of the existence of the OT rate were only in the thousands. Those that had an inkling of what we did, were even fewer; I count Tom Clancy in that number. [Understand, Tom Clancy dedicated his book, “The Sum of All Fears” to Admiral Rogers and his wife.] Those that had SECRET clearance AND Need-To-Know (NTK), even less.


“And your point is?” That the tech levels of our military is in large part totally unknown to the public. I suspect it is so highly compartmentalized, on the basis of NTK, that few within the military understand how exotic our tech has become.


A never before detected signature that produced 17 second cycles, was heard AROUND THE WORLD. A scene from “hunt for Red October” flashed through my mind – “give me one ping … and one ping only Vasily”. Include Q+ stating Space Force was needed for “defense AND offence”, I can only come to one conclusion, under Occam's razor, that the seismic signature was created by whitehats (stepping out hugely here) by use of some exotic tech orbiting in space as a message to the WORLD. It was a space shot across the bow - it is THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD!


Other purposes? Comms or some type of wave nullification ops. Was the aim, not to propagate a wave train, but to end one?






Welcome Frens to a Brave New World!


P.S. Q just posted 2541 – “THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q “

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.4145078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5090 >>5107 >>5167


"Expand your thinking" and I did. Much talk of vibrations (waves) used in MKULTRA. Other references to "waves". In free thinking mode, just wondered if the balck hats had same capability as white to generate impulses through and around the earth. For comms, as whitehats use, or for some type of mental interference effect on a population. There have been many studies that indicate being around ELF signals is not good for your mental health. I tried to use that as an excuse in the Navy! It didn't fly! kek

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 1:04 a.m. No.4145155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5202 >>5400

Any source that produces a sound, pressure waves, in the ocean will continue until it dissipates. How far they travel is a function of frequency, temperature, depth (pressure) and salinity. Whales farting off China are heard in LA. Sound only needs to travel, nominally, 6,000ft down, where it will cross the barrier known as the sound channel axis. ELF's can have a wave length that is thousands of miles long. In other words, they travel extraordinary distances without much energy loss. Once it enters into the sound channell, the change in temperature at 6,000 ft acts as a ceiling. That sound, which travels in a sine wave, will undulate down and back to the thermocline; and repeat. So, it is not a problem, nor does it take "extreme" energy for it to enter the sound channel. Some scientist have thrown out the theory that the ambient noise that we picked up, versus a source, were from sounds of ships imploding from WWII. If a Russian sailor flushed a toilet, we heard it. What we picked up WERE "amplitude modulated pressure waves. Pressure waves generated by machinery and many times by aspect. Think "crazy Ivan". WHAT event, underground, could generate enough energy to "ring the earth like a bell" without any surface evidence. I'm all about hive mind.

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 1:06 a.m. No.4145161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5164



Any source that produces a sound, pressure waves, in the ocean will continue until it dissipates. How far they travel is a function of frequency, temperature, depth (pressure) and salinity. Whales farting off China are heard in LA. Sound only needs to travel, nominally, 6,000ft down, where it will cross the barrier known as the sound channel axis. ELF's can have a wave length that is thousands of miles long. In other words, they travel extraordinary distances without much energy loss. Once it enters into the sound channell, the change in temperature at 6,000 ft acts as a ceiling. That sound, which travels in a sine wave, will undulate down and back to the thermocline; and repeat. So, it is not a problem, nor does it take "extreme" energy for it to enter the sound channel. Some scientist have thrown out the theory that the ambient noise that we picked up, versus a source, were from sounds of ships imploding from WWII. If a Russian sailor flushed a toilet, we heard it. What we picked up WERE "amplitude modulated pressure waves. Pressure waves generated by machinery and many times by aspect. Think "crazy Ivan". WHAT event, underground, could generate enough energy to "ring the earth like a bell" without any surface evidence. I'm all about hive mind.

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 1:11 a.m. No.4145170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5199


I dug and found a report from a seismology lab that had it GPS. That lab produce a map that showed the location. I KNOW that the NAVFACS that detected, more then likely after the fact, (due to its extreme low frequency) have pin pointed the exact location. OT's helped to pin point the spot that the USS Thresher was lying on the bottom. Amazing stuff.

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 1:18 a.m. No.4145206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5215 >>5243


Harmonics are no stranger to me and could mentally integrate 4, sometime 5 steps in my head, not so today, but in the day, I was very good. Sound generated underwater will always produce harmonics, though proximity to sensor does increase their numbers. Another problem faced for our prop driven brothers were convergences zones. Similar to the bounce off the sound channel, only in reverse. At one time, I thought to call my first born, Lambda.

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 1:31 a.m. No.4145249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5256


I don't have insider knowledge, but I did serve in the rate that dealt with this 24/7. I agree it sounds far fetched, and it may be. But, there's noting in physics that would negate the possibility. The obstacle I couldn't get over, as far as it being earth generated is the amount of energy it would take to "ring the earth like a bell" Seismologist talked a magma displacement causing it and I can think a several reasons as to why that is as far fetched as a space shot. Been around here for awhile and read evidence of things I couldn't believe. More to shall be revealed.

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.4145283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I LOVE the hive mind! When we trap our minds to thing "impossible", that is exactly what we get. Keep thinking free! As Mark Twain once said, "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education! Cheers!

Anonymous ID: d3fc6e Dec. 4, 2018, 1:47 a.m. No.4145317   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dynamite, Trucks, quarry operations, many things produce a seismic signature, that simply being waves. It could be slow earthquake, or magma displacement. It could be a unknow geological phenom. I haven't close my mind to any of those possibilities, BUT, we are talking a signature that has NEVER been seen before. Just keeping up the Anon Autism!