Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.4145627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5636 >>5655 >>5665

Morning anons….


>>4144779 (notables)

+1…a 17 second low frequency standing wave did NOT come from "krakens ass…" as Jonesy put it ;-) It was externally generated. Did it come from space is the next question…


Any fags that follow gamma bursts and such know of a good website to check such things? Why Mayotte?

Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.4145779   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was so disappointed in Hannity last night…guess I had forgotten what a patsy he can be since Las Vegas. Forced myself to watch 15 minutes of fucking BUSH lies of what a great man he was…I still have vomit in my mouth….


I hope we out'ed Fox last night to the normies…I could only take 15 minutes of it….


QResearch my news…just sayin'

Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 3:56 a.m. No.4145912   🗄️.is 🔗kun


strings are cut…

Marcon gvt has no "guidance"

This is why it is such a shit show..normally a plan..

No ID'ed leader by the "powers that be.."

Perhaps a true change of power can happen?


Vive Le Revolution!


Isn't is ironic though..really???


1776 spread to France by 1789…


2016 MAGA spread to France by 2018…

Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:03 a.m. No.4145955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5966 >>6054


Fear/confusion/terror create "food" called loosh in higher dimensions. BTW so do emotions such as love/family/joy/kindness.


Our "vibe" has been toilet bowl low with a ton of fear..and how could it not be? We are divided and conquered down almost any avenue of HOPE…


I personally think we changed the tune during the eclipse of 2016. We set a new "intention" for the earth and its peoples…


Vibe is coming up! We all feel it. We all will soon see it in how we treat others.


So, love/live/rejoice and lets feed the service to others side of the coin!


17 second standing wave is related…just sayin'

Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.4145970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5989


+1 on witnessing if they were to benefit…


Ditto on feeling for Bush family…extreme disgust and loathing from me…REALLY tried to watch Hannity last night per drop and had to tap out at the 15 minute mark due to vomit in my mouth from Bush BS…

Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:12 a.m. No.4146003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6048


>There is nothing you can accomplish with drugs that can't be better accomplished without them.


While I would not classify a natural product as a drug (cannabis/mushroom/herbs/non-synthetics)..I am pretty sure you I only speak of natural products…


You might want to read about MKUltra and cannabis…that would be a good beginning to..


"how to disassociate in a positive manner…"


The CHOADS have this advantage..they know there is real POWER in learning and training your sub conscious mind. This is why they break their kids…to train them to disassociate and use their subconscious minds.


disassociation can happen thru PAIN..and that is what they use…


It can also happen with cannabis, while jogging, in many different ways…and you can use it for POSITIVE training of your mind…


just sayin'….

Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:19 a.m. No.4146041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6091


anon…I think these are coming…I would strongly encourage you to begin to use medicinal herbs and supplement your diet with things herbs and spices…these feed your endocannabinoid system which is your master regulatory system…


We have been lied to about how we work for many years and many researchers/physicians and other NPC medical community do not question…


You have a system in your body that is far far far more important than any other system…

  1. You developed in something called a sea squirt and it is where we diverged from insects..this system is so important ALL LIFE has dragged it up the evolutionary ladder..

  2. This system is your master regulatory ( with keyword endocannabinoid)..IT RUNS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU…just like the computer in your vehicle..your hypothalamus thru the ECS is constantly managing you to homeostasis…

  3. It is a RESOURCE DRIVEN system. It relies on chemical mediators to function. These chemical mediators come from FOOD…in particular raw plants and O3/6 fatty acids IN BALANCE…

Anonymous ID: ad0d78 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:39 a.m. No.4146152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


+1 and was not "arguing" that drugs are neccessary…just pointing out that they can be helpful under certain circumstances…


BTW..cannabis not a drug for me…this plant has taught me, healed me, and many many other hold the keys to health and diet…it has been demonized FOR A REASON and a brief dig with the furor we use here will satisfy any anon that I am right…


BTW..isn't it interesting….

-cannabis prohibition

-WWII ends

-Tesla dies

-paperclip starts


A ton of stuff happened within a few years that really set the stage for the take over of the USA…before and during WWII we had developed…


-a medicine to boost immunity based on cannabis

-fibers from cannabis far better than cotton

-pulp from cannabis far better than wood

-Tesla had completely mapped out free energy and free transmission of power


It was very possible that during the 30's/40's our society could have been liberated..when you give "the people" the power over their HEALTH and ENVIRONMENT then they flourish and grow…


They ONLY WAY they keep us down is control of resources and the fear based way we think we have to get them….