Anonymous ID: cf1c34 Dec. 4, 2018, 3:50 a.m. No.4145876   🗄️.is 🔗kun


First rule of fight club…


Sorry, seriously…..that's a very interesting quote and the fact I don't know my answer to the question is a bit unsettling. Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous ID: cf1c34 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:11 a.m. No.4145998   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just jumping in so my bad for being without context of your discussion, but just reading your post made me think of this:


"We don't light the fire, we use it to smoke them out."

Anonymous ID: cf1c34 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.4146064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6084


Anon. Don’t mind the little girls who tried to throw negativity at you.


If it is of any help to know, you’re not alone in feeling that way. I reached that stage a while back. Big news, followed by nothing burger let-downs. I’m surrounded by members of the lunatic-left and ultra-liberals and I’ve clamored for a real headline to illustrate to them that they are unaware beyond that which they hear from rachel maddow.


An arrest on Seth Rich. The original Nunes/Schiff memo that was supposed to end it all. Declas of the JFK files, that didn’t happen, whatever. They circle jerk and call me crazy and then are reinforced by the fake news. It’s beyond frustrating.


I would suggest you watch that speech by Dan Bongino from the other day. At the very end, during the brief Q&A someone asks (might have been Gorka), if we will ever see justice for any of the big stuff.


His answer was very sobering. He advises to keep doing what’s right, what’s moral and not to expect justice in this life. The only tangible reward is knowing, while we were here, we did the right thing.


There is no payoff…not in this life.

Anonymous ID: cf1c34 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:39 a.m. No.4146153   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If this is an honest question (and I don't need the red text for emphasis), My answer is this. None of the above (none of the choices you offer).


I blame myself. I blame myself for allowing me to believe what I interpreted Q meant was what would necessarily happen. To be fair, Q never said that. Frustrating as it is, he repeated “disinfo is necessary.”


Runner up are the lefties and liberals because they are so fucking intolerant you can’t have a meaningful discussion with them. I live with it. It’s all Trump is orange face bad man. It’s fucking childish and, goes without saying, unproductive and not helpful. Their way or the highway. To them, I say suck a bag of dicks.


To you I say this: if you’re that hurt by the year of Q’s lies, you need to get a life. At least find more meaning in your life.


You can make a difference in your environment and with those you interact with. If everyone did that there would be massive change. Just look at what the French have accomplished, acting together to send the message that globalist policies are no longer acceptable.


Let Q worry about Q…and you worry about you.