MMMM….Crush Grape
I find I need to relax from time to time and watch Pedo's die to calm down. My movie recommendations for this:
That movie is a cover-up by Weinstein. Piss you off sumptin good!
I tried to encompass this exact situation with these two shitty memes. I couldn't get the words right. Their attempts to use vaccines/flouride or whatever to dumb us down like sheep. (Betrand Russell wanting a scientific dictatorship). Which may have produced autism which in fact is the weapon that will bring down the cabal.
so if the protests continue how will the MSM falsely describe it then? They have a croissant shortage and not fighting elite globalists?
Exactly, don't forget about Serenity either. The NWO put a chemical into the atmosphere to make the population docile. Yet, the majority of the planet just died because they would not even fight to breath or eat. But a small portion became overly aggressive and became the scourge of the universe, raping and eating their victims alive. They brought down the NWO by revealing their cover-up of the project and how they decimated a planet.
Truth is stranger than fiction, we are being hit from all sides.
Children will, as in Plato’s Republic, be taken from their mothers and reared by professional nurses. Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. -Betrand Russell
Frens…anyone else know of a good pedo/trafficker killing movie?
I thought the reboot of Death Wish was going to do it for me….blue balls.
I forgot 'Hard Candy' - excellent pedo justice.
Would love to see 'Eyes Wide Shut' meet SRA victim Jason Bourne….million dollar idea right there!
If the Luciferians have tech and chemicals to shut down parts of our brain, do patriots have tech to activate parts of our brain to fight and awaken? Wouldn't it be awesome if 5G was hidden patriot tech?
sweet thanks! Ya, Joss Whedon is extremely confusing. Maybe he has to play 'orange man bad' pussy just to make a living. All while he drops red pills from behind enemy lines. time will tell.
I was referencing this:
DoD targeting genes through vaccines to cancel out 'religious extremesm' in the brain.
Copy Jalopy, I already got that one. Cheers
Frailty, Taken, Hard Candy, You were never really here (stay away from "Regression" anti-justice)
Thank you fren, I know fasting is incredible too. I need a discipline kick in the rear to make it happen.