Anonymous ID: db2658 Dec. 4, 2018, 3 a.m. No.4145643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5704


Good idea. Forgot about River Tam.

Having a high intellect and a ready grasp of complex subjects, she was sent to a government learning facility known only as “The Academy” at the age of fourteen. While her parents believed the Academy was a private school meant to nurture the gifts of the most academically talented children in the Alliance, it was in fact a cover for a government experiment

She is a "reader", one who possesses telepathic abilities. Intelligent beyond her years and athletically gifted, her brother states that compared to her he is an idiot and child (despite him graduating from medical school near the top of his class.)

Anonymous ID: db2658 Dec. 4, 2018, 3:57 a.m. No.4145920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5963


For those that get something out of Firefly/Serenity, also watch the series "Dollhouse" by the same creator (Whedon).

A secret powerful organization controls people that agree to live for several years as programmable dolls in exchange for a large sum of money.

The dolls have their personalities wiped after each mission so they can be programmed with another different persona. On missions they are monitored remotely by Handlers. In between tasks, they are mind-wiped into a childlike state. The mind-wipe/programming technology is eventually unleashed nationwide on the public, leading to global chaos.

Beyond that basic intro, there are many more red-pill concepts in the story. A story about anons, a strong-willed autist, and finding your identity/purpose. A warning about NPCs, the reckless hubris of the tech industry, the programming of culture, and the corruption/greed of the elite.