Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 6:49 a.m. No.4146995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia Should Do More To Combat $2.3 Billion Illegal Human Organ Trade: Repor


The Australian government needs to do more to combat organ trafficking and transplant tourism crimes, a report from a parliamentary inquiry has recommended.


At least 12,000 organs were sold on the black market in 2017—a trade that is worth up to A$2.3 billion ($1.7 billion) globally each year.


The report, released by the human rights sub-committee into human organ trafficking and organ transplant tourism on Dec. 3, made 12 recommendations to prevent the illegal trade of human organs in Australia and overseas.


The inquiry—which arose from a series of private briefings with the Falun Dafa Association of Australia, former Canadian secretary of state for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour, and human rights lawyer David Matas—considered whether the country’s organ trafficking laws should be extended to prohibit citizens from travelling overseas for unethical transplants and whether Australia should accede to the 2014 Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.4147037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7154 >>7172 >>7237 >>7431 >>7534 >>7560 >>7588 >>7616 >>7620

Italy Police Arrest Mafia’s Alleged New Mob Boss in Sicily


PALERMO, Italy—Italian police have arrested the suspected new head of the Sicilian mafia and 45 other alleged mobsters in a major blow to organized crime on the Mediterranean island, the government said on Dec. 4.


“There is no more room for this type of scum in Italy,” Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio wrote on Instagram.


The previous boss of bosses, Salvatore “Toto” Riina, died in prison last year after spending almost a quarter of a century behind bars for ordering dozens of murders, including those of two of Italy’s most celebrated anti-mob prosecutors.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 6:59 a.m. No.4147080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7102 >>7127 >>7431 >>7534 >>7620

STUNNING! German AfD Lawmaker Petr Bystron Reveals German Government and Soros Funding of Radical Anti-Israel Groups


Petr Bystron is the speaker of the Alternative for Germany party (AfD) of the German Bundestag.

On Tuesday Petr Bystron revealed the anti-Israel funding by the the German government and the Soros Open Society to radical anti-Israel groups.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.4147157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Smile, Travelers! You’re on Candid DHS Cameras.


The Department of Homeland Security has posted the latest update to a series of Privacy Impact Assessments attempting to whitewash the invasions of privacy and human rights inherent in a comprehensive system of automated facial identification of travelers.


The latest PIA reveals more than the DHS has previously admitted about the nature and scope of its planned use of automated facial ID technology.


The DHS plans to use image data aggregated from commercial surveillance systems operated by airlines and airports, as well as DHS cameras, including non-obvious cameras, to identify air travelers (including both domestic and international travelers), international ferry and cruise passengers, and travelers crossing US land borders in vehicles or on foot.


Automated identification of travelers based on facial images would be used as the basis for who is, and who is not, allowed to travel, based on travel histories and algorithmic “risk assessments” that form the US counterpart of, and predecessor to, China’s control of travel and other activities through facial recognition and “social credit” scoring.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.4147182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7247 >>7538

Update: Chinese Baby Gene-Editing Scientist Goes Missing


Apparently He Jiankui is out of favor with Chinese Technocrats, since he has abruptly gone missing with rumors of his arrest. China seldom openly reveals outright and purposeful disappearances. ⁃ TN Editor


The whereabouts of Chinese scientist He Jiankui, who claims to have created the world’s first gene-edited babies, remain unknown amid rumours that he has been arrested.


Reports claimed He was placed under effective house arrest in Shenzhen after making an appearance at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong last Wednesday.


However, claims of He’s detention were dismissed by his former-employer, Southern University of Science and Technology, according to South China Morning Post. The university declined to elaborate further.

Chinese scientist He Jianjui speaks at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing at the University of Hong Kong on Wednesday. His whereabouts remain unknown after the summit, according to media reports


The scientist sparked global controversy last week when he announced in a YouTube video that he had successfully used a gene-editing tool to modify the DNA of two embryos.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.4147240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hack of Q&A site Quora affects 100M accounts


Dec. 4 (UPI) – Question and answer website Quora says a data breach has compromised the information of as many as 100 million users.


The hack could affect account information like passwords, data imported from linked networks and public content like questions, answers, comments and upvotes, Quora CEO Adam D'Angelo said in a statement.


"We have retained a leading digital forensics and security firm to assist us," D'Angelo said. "We have also notified law enforcement officials. While the investigation is still ongoing, we have already taken steps to contain the incident, and our efforts to protect our users and prevent this type of incident from happening in the future are our top priority as a company."

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.4147293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7431 >>7534 >>7620

Iran says will continue ballistic missile tests despite US objections


The Iranian military says it will keep conducting missile tests despite U.S. condemnation of them.


“Missile tests…are carried out for defense and the country’s deterrence, and we will continue this,” Brigadier-General Abolfazl Shekarchi, a spokesman for Iran’s armed forces, was quoted as saying by the semiofficial Tasnim news agency on December 2.


He said Iran will “continue to both develop and test missiles” and added that such activity “is outside the framework of [nuclear] negotiations and part of our national security, for which we will not ask any country’s permission.”


The statement comes one day after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned what he described as Iran’s testing of a medium-range ballistic missile “capable of carrying multiple warheads.”

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.4147351   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Use to be people lied about their age everyday now they think they have to go to court to do it


Court rejects man's bid to subtract 20 years from his legal age


Dec. 3 (UPI) – A Dutch court has rejected a 69-year-old man's request to subtract 20 years from his legal age to reflect the way he feels.


Emile Ratelband filed a suit in an Arnhem court asking to have his official age in Netherlands government records changed to 49.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.4147433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Report Shows How Incredibly Wrong Obama Was About Energy Independence


Energy: Has any politician ever been more wrong than Barack Obama was about U.S. oil production and energy independence? Based on the latest report from the International Energy Agency, the answer is unequivocally no.


On Tuesday, oil prices fell for the 12th consecutive decline. And amid that decline, the International Energy Agency forecasts that the U.S. will account for 75% of the growth in global oil production through 2025.


That's a stunning finding that shows how dynamic the domestic oil and gas industry has become.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:43 a.m. No.4147481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7534 >>7620

CIA director to brief senators on killing of journalist


Dec. 4 (UPI) – CIA Director Gina Haspel on Tuesday will brief leaders of three Senate committees on the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey, according to media reports.


The meeting comes one week after Republican and Democratic senators were outraged that they didn't receive an intelligence briefing from anyone with the CIA on Saudi Arabia's alleged involvement in the murder of The Washington Post journalist on Oct. 2.

Anonymous ID: 5e1e90 Dec. 4, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.4147723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Migrants, Romania, and dirty banks on EU's mind This WEEK


Austrian far-right agitator, Herbert Kickl, will chair talks with fellow EU interior ministers in Brussels on Thursday (6 December) on how to send more migrants home.


The preparations for more "returns" are part of plans to create a 10,000-man EU external border force by 2020.