Anonymous ID: 609f87 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.4147258   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Back to the Whistleblower Raid: Who Got Played?


Who was behind the raid? Remember, the allegation is that these materials don't just

expose the Clintons. They may well implicate Mueller.

Occam's Razor : it makes sense that the raid was instigated by Mueller himself.

Mueller has a direct line into the FBI and partisan media, which is stacked with ex-FBI

agents he trained. I've no doubt that Mueller and his allies are behind this raid - and that

FBI Director Wray had no idea.

As mentioned above, it's a measure of their desperation and lack of 'smarts', that those

behind the raid don't seem to have stopped and questioned the story they were being fed:

would a whistleblower really keep all the evidence in his house, after already giving it all

to the government on a USB?

Think about it. If you'd given the government a USB storing incendiary evidence against the

Clintons, would you leave all the originals in your own house?

No, of course not. You'd move it to a safe location away from your residence, anticipating

your house could be raided. Or you'd be advised to, by those protecting you.

The narrative they were being fed should have given the planners of this raid pause. But no,

they went ahead anyway. And fell straight into the trap, set by Trump's spooks, who wanted

to flush them out and also protect the real evidence and whistleblower.

Game, set, match.


Know Your Enemy

A key reason why Trump's spooks have been so effective is that they understand their

enemies, better than their enemies understand themselves.

Take the hapless Obama goons at the DOJ/FBI. As we have learned from the

Strzok/Page texts, the team of corrupted FBI/DOJ officials who were tasked with

protecting Clinton & executing Crossfire Hurricane were lazy, arrogant and careless.

They were drunk on power and believed themselves untouchable. As do Obama &

Clinton's Fake News army of propagandists.

Ditto, spoiled elitists like Mueller and the

clownish James Comey.

Right now many are also desperate, as the walls start crumbling around them.

Trump's spooks are experts, the best in the world at exploiting these situations. It means

that their behavior and reactions are very predictable. They knew full well that these

crooks would immediately buy a line about a whistleblower and evidence at his house. And

that the same crooks would expose themselves and their loyalists within FBI/DOJ,

by ordering the raid.

Which is precisely what I think happened.