Anonymous ID: 5aa7b3 Dec. 4, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.4147998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8041 >>8069

So for them to redpill on last nights leak waffle (never was going to be released) FBI “raided” whistleblowers house for 6 hrs..


What a troll move by Q and POTUS.


1.) Go out and act like u r raiding the place, get into news cycle that Uranium 1 deal to start to drop it on the normies/unpilled that such a thing is in existence and that it is serious enough to get news coverage.


2.) make the deep state do something, make them make moves, use ammo (GHWB) death & funeral.. they think they are stalling for first of year, but EaO takes effect on January 1 so they get nonreprieve..


3.) to those of us taking an absolute ass whiping from our freinds who are watching Q developments w the hope it is all wrong to try to make us feel like shit.. to say w e believed in a LARP.. this actually bolsters /OUR/ side of things, cause it was in the nude.. full display for all to see, that the [DS] was/has been trying to weasel out of the responsibility of these actions that being investigated.


These people who saw this happen will be looking for the next thing like this to happen.. Q has planted the seed.


On a side note it was really awesome to thing Anons would be given a special chance w gov knowing what we do and what lengths we have gone to during the GA.. kinda crushed a small 1/10000th of a feeling that we had a level of respect from Q/POTUS not to say w e don’t but yeah. Think others share that feeling too.


I actually posted this last night and didnt get response. Was weird like ton of diff anons/shills on last night.


So anywho shadilay cause we doing this!


Last night was NOT a flop, it was carried out to perfection.