Anonymous ID: f3324f Dec. 4, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.4148083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found this comment by a Brit named Brother Anthony…

Does this explain the bug eyed breeding programs?



The European elites, particularly the German and the French variety, carry within their genes an acute strain of Compulsive Obsessive Disorder, a neurotic determination to endlessly repeat the past hoping for a different result – (Einstein’s definition of insanity*).


Now, the British Parliament under the ‘leadership’ of two paranoid schizophrenics, or deluded compulsive liars if you will, May and Corbyn, and their cohorts, is close to aiding and abetting this descent into darkness, tyranny and bloodshed by tying themselves and we the people irrevocably to the abomination that is the EU, a behemoth which arose to power by pure bureaucratic mendacity, unrelieved autocracy, endless expansionism and taxation without representation, all without a single popular vote.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel, child of the Stasi, remarked recently, "Countries must give up their sovereignty and join the one-world government,". This is but an attempt at creating another Greater German Reich stretching from the Atlantic to the Russian border and perhaps beyond. They never learn, and Macron, sock puppet of the International Banking Cartels who always profit so handsomely from the bloody efforts of those poor souls who fight their wars, has climbed onboard this latest Teutonic blitzkrieg with alacrity.