Watch the water.
Anons; I appreciate all of the work you are all doing. I stand in solidarity with all.
I approach all problems from the top-down rather than bottom-up, and in reading this quote from Q, it led me to the recent Hollywood movie NOAH. Here is a quote from approx. 29 minutes in:
"Fire consumes all. Water cleanses. It separates the foul from the pure;
the wicked from the innocent;
and that which sinks
from that which rises.
He destroys all but only
to start again."
I am very deep into Biblical narrative and am approaching this global narrative from the perspective of the books of Genesis. This (in my mind) is connected to both Q and us as individuals; just as Cain (lower mind) slays Abel (higher mind), we must purge ourselves of all that is foul and let the fires consume that which is wicked; for only in this may the cleansing waters elevate us above.
Do not fall for the ways of Cain (Canaanites) but instead make way for that which cleanses. This is the water; though perhaps not explicitly what Q is/was referring to, it is (in my mind's eye) all connected on this fundamental level.
Keep it up anons, please stay united.