>>4149205 (lb)
Since when does anyone care when SA kills people? Beheadings are routine in the land of the cube.
>>4149205 (lb)
Since when does anyone care when SA kills people? Beheadings are routine in the land of the cube.
They fear their own fates.
Half of my family are like your grandmother. I can only red pill with tiny items.
For example: Isn't it strange that the media insults the US President every single day? Even if Pres. Trump isn't perfect aren't they insulting and disrespecting all Americans by their comments? Don't they have any respect for the office of President?
For others I say – aren't the media acting like bullies. Their target can do nothing right and they comment all day on how awful POTUS is and they want you to agree. That is how bullies pick on students in school. Their main theme is "ain't he awful". Do you want to be a part of the bully gang?
Another approach – what has President Trump done that is so awful? How many racists are awarded for their work in the African American community? How many sexists hire women for their top positions in their business and administration?
It's time for people to stop grovelling to criminal syndicates.
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it (Lenin).