Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.4149292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9307 >>9838

Report: NRCC Emails Hacked During Midterm Election


The email accounts of leading National Republican Congressional Committee officials were hacked during the 2018 midterm election, according to a report.


The email accounts of four senior aides at the National Republican Congressional Committee were surveilled for several months, party officials said. The intrusion was detected in April by an NRCC vendor, who alerted the committee and its cybersecurity contractor. An internal investigation was initiated and the FBI was alerted to the attack, said the officials, who requested anonymity to discuss the incident.


Politico, citing unnamed party officials, reports the culprit surveilled the emails accounts of four top NRCC aides for “several months.” A vendor of the House Republican campaign arm alerted officials of the breach in April, prompting the FBI to launch an investigation into the matter.


Politico reports:


However, senior House Republicans — including Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) — were not informed of the hack until POLITICO contacted the NRCC on Monday with questions about the episode. Rank-and-file House Republicans were not told, either.



Committee officials said they decided to withhold the information because they were intent on conducting their own investigation, and feared that revealing the hack would compromise efforts to find the culprit.



The hack became a major source of consternation within the committee as the midterm election unfolded. The NRCC brought on the prominent Washington law firm Covington and Burling as well as Mercury Public Affairs to oversee the response to the hack. The NRCC paid the two firms hundreds of thousands of dollars to help respond to the intrusion.


“We don’t want to get into details about what was taken because it’s an ongoing investigation,” one party aide told Politico. ”Let’s say they had access to four active accounts. I think you can draw from that.”


According to the report, sensitive donor data was not breached during the hack.


In a statement, Mercury Vice President Ian Prior confirmed the email breach had occurred and an investigation is underway. “The NRCC can confirm that it was the victim of a cyber intrusion by an unknown entity. The cybersecurity of the Committee’s data is paramount, and upon learning of the intrusion, the NRCC immediately launched an internal investigation and notified the FBI, which is now investigating the matter,” said Prior.


“To protect the integrity of that investigation, the NRCC will offer no further comment on the incident,” he added.


The FBI has not yet issued a statement regarding the matter.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.4149321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9358

Michael Avenatti Rules Out Running For President In 2020

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.4149380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9843 >>9941 >>9960

UK Govt Forced to Publish Full Brexit Legal Documents After Losing Key Vote


The British government has been found in contempt of the Houses of Parliament for the first time in history and will be forced to publish the full legal advice it received on Theresa May’s Brexit deal after it was defeated in a key Parliament vote Tuesday.


Members of Parliament from six opposition parties — including the Democratic Unionist Party who are theoretically allies of the government and had signed an agreement to prop up Theresa May’s minority administration in — defeated the government on a motion of contempt by 311 votes to 293.


The government had refused to release the full legal advice it had received from Attorney General Geoffrey Cox on Theresa May’s Brexit deal and the controversial backstop, instead dispatching Cox to the chamber on Monday to answer questions.


Update 1800 — Theresa May speaks after second vote defeat of the day


The government was defeated in a second vote in an hour Tuesday evening, as an amendment by Dominic Grieve MP passed despite their opposition.


Despite her difficult day, Theresa May took to the floor to open five days of debates on her Brexit plan, and stuck to her guns on her plan, not deviating from what she’s been saying for week– that the country has no choice but to accept her deal. Speaking shortly after the vote, Theresa May told the chamber:


When the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, the United Kingdom stood apart. It was fifteen years later at the third attempt that we joined what was then the European Economic Community. Ever since then, our membership has been a contested matter.


In the first referendum in 1975, the British people voted to stay in. But almost a third of those who voted wanted to leave. Indeed, there are those in this chamber who campaigned to leave at that time.


As the EEC evolved into a European Union of increasing political depth, the British people’s doubts about our membership grew. Ultimately, membership of any union that involves the pooling of sovereignty can only be sustained with the consent of the people. In the referendum of 2016, the biggest democratic exercise in our history, the British public withdrew that consent.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.4149426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9491

Pushback Against Israel Is Beginning


The Anglophone Israel Lobby benefits from its ability to mold the media narrative while at the same time using financial incentives to corrupt the political class. For those who do not succumb to the corruption, there is always the option of direct pressure, which in the United States and Britain consists of targeted interference in the political system to remove critics either through promotion of scandal or by supporting well-funded alternative candidates in the following election. In the United States, this has led to the removal of a number of congressmen who had dared to criticize the Jewish state, terrifying the remainder into silence. All of this goes on with little or no debate in the media or in congress itself.


There are signs, however, that the general tolerance of Israeli misbehavior might be ending. The election of at least three Democratic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who might be willing to discuss Israel in something less than worshipful ways is a miniscule shift in the alignment of the Democratic party, where Jewish money dominates, but it reflects the views of the party’s grass roots where a recent poll demonstrates that surveyed Democrats favor Israel over Palestine by a margin of only 2%, twenty-seven per cent versus twenty-five per cent with the remainder of responders favoring neither side.


Much more significant is last week's announcement by Senator Rand Paul that he intends to place a “hold” on the current package of $38 billion in military aid to Israel, which means he can filibuster the issue in the Senate to delay its passage. Paul, who, like his father, is a skeptic regarding foreign aid in general, did not cite any specific issues connected to the aid package, but critics have long noted that Israel is in fact ineligible for any foreign aid from the United States because it has an undeclared nuclear arsenal consisting of at least 200 weapons. For that reason, providing aid to Israel is illegal under the Symington Amendment of 1961 as well as due to the fact that Tel Aviv has rejected signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT.


Paul’s action is extremely courageous as he is the first Senator since William Fulbright to dare to say anything negative about the Jewish state. Fulbright was, of course, punished by the Israel Lobby, which committed major resources to defeating him when he next came up for reelection. Another U.S. Senator Charles Percy was so bold as to maintain that Palestinian Arabs might actually have "rights" also found himself confronted by an extremely well-funded opponent who defeated him for reelection, so Paul’s action is far from risk free. In fact, the Israel Lobby is already reacting hysterically to the “hold,” as is the Israeli government, and one can be sure that all their massive resources will be used to punish the senator.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.4149500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9512 >>9522 >>9525 >>9558 >>9630

Rand Paul Claims The Deep State Is Trying To Run Congress


Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said the deep state is exerting power over Congress and keeping information from him regarding the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


Paul was discussing the highly anticipated Senate testimony of CIA Director Gina Haspel on “America’s Newsroom” Tuesday and said he and other lawmakers are being kept in the dark by intelligence agencies.


“To my mind this is the very definition of the deep state,” Paul said.


“The deep state is that the intelligence agencies do things, conclude things, make conclusions but then the elected officials are prevented from knowing about this.”


Paul said lawmakers can’t exercise oversight if they are kept out of the loop and warned against the growing size and influence of the deep state.


“If we aren’t told about this and I’m not allowed to know about these conclusions, then I can’t have oversight,” he said. “And so then state grows, the intelligence, the deep state grows and has more and more power.”


“I’ve read in the media that the CIA has said with high confidence that the crown prince was involved with killing Khashoggi,” Paul continued. “I have not seen that intelligence nor have I even seen the conclusions. And today there’s yet another briefing and I’m being excluded. So really, this is the deep state at work … that your representatives don’t know what is going on in the intelligence agencies.”

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.4149554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742

Refugee beats praying priest to death with metal cross in Germany


Lois Sindbad a 27-year-old asylum seeker from Cameroon admitted to killing the 54-year-old pastor Alain-Florent Gandoulou, who was from the Congo himself during prayer in Berlin on 22 February.


At first he beat the man with a metal cross and moved on to shove an umbrella down his throat. The victim died due to serious head trauma.


The perpetrator entered Germany as a refugee in 2014 and claims to be a Christian but believes in witchcraft and ghosts. According to his story a ghost that had already possessed his brother, who also lives in Germany, supposedly had taken over his body.


Frightened by this he sought help from his victim. Allegedly the pastor did not defend himself but only called for help in German during the deadly assault.


Following his arrest Lois Sindbad has been placed in a closed, psychiatric institution. The trial will continue in the coming weeks.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.4149575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yemen Talks to Start Wednesday as Wounded Houthis Are Evacuated


UN envoy to escort Houthi delegation to talks in Sweden


Yemen peace talks are scheduled to start as early as Wednesday of this week, and unlike previous efforts there is reason to believe that everyone will attend and engage in at least some earnest discussion of ending the conflict.


The Houthi delegation is en route now, with UN special envoy Martin Griffiths having already arrived in Sanaa to escort them personally. This is an improvement over last time, when the Houthis couldn’t get guarantees of safe travel, and thus were never able to leave the country for the talks.


The Houthis also got a demand met in the process, as a number of wounded Houthis were able to be evacuated this week into Oman, where they will be able to receive treatment in hospitals that haven’t been constantly bombed by Saudi warplanes.


The Houthis will be traveling by plane to Sweden with Griffiths, and the plane was provided by Kuwait. Diplomats said this was a great confidence-building measure.


Talks are expected to focus on aid shipments, large-scale prisoner swaps, and potentially reopening the Sanaa airport, which has been closed by repeated Saudi airstrikes. All this would also lay the groundwork for negotiating a settlement of the war itself.


Past efforts have stalled quickly on settling the war. Though the Houthis have expressed openness to elections, the Saudi-backed Hadi government has rejected any power-sharing deal, and even though President Hadi’s term in office ended years ago, they insist he be put back in power.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.4149675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


load of shit, US stops selling weapons China nd Russia will do same. also the main weapons system Russia is selling everyone is the S-300 and S-400 which is a self defense system.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.4149692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9712 >>9733 >>9788

Trump Foreign Policy: Doing the Same Thing and Expecting a Different Result


Ron Paul


After a week of insisting that a meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Argentina was going to happen, President Trump at the last minute sent out a Tweet explaining that due to a Russia/Ukraine dispute in the Sea of Azov he would no longer be willing to meet his Russian counterpart.


According to Trump, the meeting had to be cancelled because the Russians seized three Ukrainian naval vessels in Russian waters that refused to follow instructions from the Russian military. But as Pat Buchanan wrote in a recent column: how is this little dispute thousands of miles away any of our business?


Unfortunately it is “our business” because of President Obama’s foolish idea to overthrow a democratically-elected, pro-Russia government in Ukraine in favor of what his Administration believed would be a “pro-Western” and “pro-NATO” replacement. In short, the Obama Administration did openly to Ukraine what his Democratic Party claims without proof the Russians did to the United States: meddled in a vote.


US interventionism in Ukraine led to the 2014 coup and many dead Ukrainians. Crimea’s majority-Russian population held a referendum and decided to re-join Russia rather than remain in a “pro-West” Ukraine that immediately began discriminating against them. Why would anyone object to people opting out of abusive relationships?


What is most disappointing about President Trump’s foreign policy is that it didn’t have to be this way. He ran on a platform of America first, ending foreign wars, NATO skepticism, and better relations with Russia. Americans voted for this policy. He had a mandate, a rejection of Obama’s destructive interventionism.


But he lost his nerve.


Instead of being the president who ships lethal weapons to the Ukrainian regime, instead of being the president who insists that Crimea remain in Ukraine, instead of being the president who continues policies the American people clearly rejected at the ballot box, Trump could have blamed the Ukraine/Russia mess on the failed Obama foreign policy and charted a very different course. What flag flies over Crimea is none of our business. We are not the policemen of the world and candidate Trump seemed to have understood that.


But now Trump’s in a trap. He was foolish enough to believe that Beltway foreign policy “experts” have a clue about what really is American national interest. Just this week he told the Washington Post, in response to three US soldiers being killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, that he has to keep US troops fighting in the longest war in US history because the “experts” tell him there is no alternative.


He said,


“virtually every expert that I have and speak to say if we don’t go there, they’re going to be fighting over here. And I’ve heard it over and over again.”


That is the same bunkum the neocons sold us as they lied us into Iraq! We’ve got to fight Saddam over there or he’d soon be in our streets. These “experts” are worthless, yet for some reason President Trump cannot break free of them.


Well here’s some unsolicited advice to the president: Listen to the people who elected you, who are tired of the US as the world’s police force. Let Ukraine and Russia work out their own problems. Give all your “experts” a pink slip and start over with a real pro-American foreign policy: non-interventionism.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.4149800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Documents Reveal How Monsanto & The EPA Bury Cancer Research


Major corporations have completely taken over government policy, as a powerhouse conglomerate of government & corporate collusion seems to have expanded its tentacles across the entire globe. It’s a huge problem that plagues our world today, and it’s something that’s constantly made clear by evidence, like the documents revealed in this article, or from those who work directly within these corporations and government agencies.


A few years ago, a group of more than a dozen scientists from within the CDC put out a public statement, while remaining anonymous, outlining the big problem of corporate influence and the effect it is having on health policy decisions. They were referred to as the Spider Papers. The authors really stressed just how big of a problem this is.


That’s just one example out of many that people are still virtually unaware of, given the fact that it hasn’t appeared on mainstream media, the space used by these corporate and government entities to sway perception. The connection between governments and corporations with mainstream media has been made evident by multiple documents and mainstream media journalists who have chosen to blow the whistle. You can read more about that here, here and here.

Monsanto Colludes With The Environmental Protection Agency


Court documents unsealed last year (as reported by Zero Hedge) show a concerted effort on the part of Monsanto, with the full complicity of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to discredit and shut down cancer research that was conducted by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).


The documents show that the EPA simply declared Monsanto’s herbicide ‘Roundup’ as safe for use, without even conducting appropriate safety tests on the actual formulation. Instead, they relied on the research given to them by Monsanto, and it included just one of the product’s active ingredients, when there are a number of ingredients within Roundup that create great cause for concern, both health-wise and environmentally speaking.


Concerning information like this has been coming out for years. Take, for example, a study published in the journal Biomedical Research International a few years ago. It demonstrated how Roundup herbicide is 125 times more toxic than its active ingredient studied in isolation (glyphosate). This is exactly what these court documents are revealing, that the approval for the product was based on one ingredient tested in isolation.


Major Pesticides Are More Toxic to Human Cells Than Their Declared Active Principles

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.4149831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9871

George H.W. Bush’s Complicity in the 1991 “Highway of Death” Massacre.


A “statesman” and “American hero”? What a lie!


When George H.W. Bush was president he ordered the massacre of Iraqi soldiers after the ceasefire in 1991, and after he had promised them safe passage out of Kuwait. This article, which went viral after the war, exposed Bush as a mass murderer and war criminal, directly involved in the “Highway of Death.” He is a “hero” only to Big Oil and the Wall Street financial empire. This account was assembled by the author and presented by her at a tribunal examining U.S. war crimes. It is still cited around the world on anniversaries of this war.


I want to give testimony on what are called the “highways of death.” These are the two Kuwaiti roadways, littered with remains of 2,000 mangled Iraqi military vehicles, and the charred and dismembered bodies of tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers, who were withdrawing from Kuwait on February 26th and 27th 1991 in compliance with UN resolutions.


U.S. planes trapped the long convoys by disabling vehicles in the front, and at the rear, and then pounded the resulting traffic jams for hours. “It was like shooting fish in a barrel,” said one U.S. pilot. The horror is still there to see.

Anonymous ID: cd51f6 Dec. 4, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.4149859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9960

Nigel Farage Quits UKIP, Says UK Needs New 'Brexit' Party


You've hear of Brexit. Now it's time for 'Faragexit' (pronounced 'FAR-AJ-ECS-IT').


Nigel Farage, the man widely credited as the architect of the Brexit referendum, is leaving the UK Independence Party - a party that he used to lead - because of concerns that its members are becoming too closely associated with Islamophobia, and participating in street gangs.


Farage - who announced his decision on his radio show and in a letter published by the Daily Telegraph - explained his decision by accusing the party of drifting too far to the right. Its members are now too focused on marching in support of far-right groups like the English Defence League and its founder, Tommy Robinson - whom Farage singled out for criticism in his letter - and not focused enough on winning elections.


"And so, with a heavy heart, and after all my years of devotion to the party, I am leaving Ukip today. There is a huge space for a Brexit party in British politics, but it won’t be filled by Ukip."


Farage presently serves as a minister in the European Parliament.