Part 1
What if there were current existing LAWS that could be enforced to completely eliminate nearly everything that is wrong in America today? A law that was passed in August of 1954 that was labeled mostly as "a conspiract theory" by the Hollywood elites and the Deep State puppets.
A LAW that passed both the House and the Senate by a "Super Majority" after being introduced on August 12th and signed into Law by President Eisenhower on week later!
A law which has never been challenged in the Supreme Court, with only minor amendments since its enactment.
The Communist Control Act of 1954 is an act of congress, passed in 1954 during the height of the second red scare and the early Cold War, that declared the Communist Party USA and any successor organization to be in an undemocratic, authoritarian conspiracy to overthrow or subvert the national government and would be outlawed, losing any rights it had as a political party and its willful members subject to the provisions of the Internal Security Act of 1950.[1]
Since its passing, it has never been enforced due to the weakness of the party, but still remains a law, never ruled unconstitutional or repealed.
The Supreme Court of the United States has not ruled on the act's constitutionality. Despite that, no administration has tried to enforce it. The provisions of the act outlawing the party have not been repealed. Nevertheless, the Communist Party USA continues to exist in the 21st century.
The overwhelming support provided by the liberals has attracted much attention from historians such as Mary McAuliffe (The Journal of American History). McAuliffe argues that the perceived gravity of the threat of Communism during the Cold War led some liberals to ignore the fact that the CCA suspended the citizenship rights of the Communist Party members. Most liberal Democrats did not even offer a token opposition to the Act; on the contrary, they ardently supported it.