Anonymous ID: 89e60d Dec. 4, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.4150591   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is the United States a corporation?

It is.

>If it is, who owns it?

should be the bond holders, mostly foreign govs like China and probably some CB bloodline money, or lots of it

start here and read ANOTHER (THOUGHTS!)

>Where was it incorporated?

don't know

>Can a corporation be sovereign?

I think no, they try to act that way, but in the end they are being held accountable. Many have been good stewards and responsible, many have been run by comped fucks and have shitted up the world for far too long.

>Where do the delegated powers come from?

The rightful government of the People in our case.

>Are United States courts administrative tribunals?

appears so

>Why administrative tribunals and not common law courts?


>What law requires that only Bar members can be judges or be attorneys in their courts?

Good question, but they do have one that is being enforced.

>Why are the US Tresury and IMF one in the same?

Because too much power has been delegated to the IMF, by fraudulent crooks not with the rightful consent of the People, and for their own personal, illicit gain.

>Why is the UN a French corporation?

They're the max cucked?

>Who owns it?

Ehhhhhhhhh. Dig!