>>4151521 lb
Re: Brexit.
>>4127665 pb from bread 5255 yesterday, had a lot of good explanation on this and what to expect, depending on what happened today.
"The Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration PDF document takes place in Marrakech, Morocco on the 10th and 11th of December, 2018." The 10th is next Monday.
Q said in post 2505, 11/30, "MONDAY"
Maybe not connected to the EU situation.
But, as of 11/28, 17 countries in Europe had decided not to sign onto this mess.
They don't want more muzzies.
"Marrakesh Treaty is no paper tiger: EU Commission sues 17 countries for non-compliance"
the UK and France began to back down on this, of course. Brexit makes it a bigger mess.
Here's some sauce:
It is happening everywhere. Very hard to stay encouraged.
I read the Bible lots. Always have. If it's new to you, read a Psalm every day. You've got to be reminded the Lord is in charge and cares.
We'll come through.
Personally, I could do with a little less character development! Ah, no.