That explains this posted nightshift.
I know about this from research back in 1997, after law school graduation, but question is how to disarm the robber. It has to be known by the population at large
Also back then, (97) groups of lawyers were on line posting the actual documents showing the different forms the amendment voted on om each state. They were researching how they looked when signed. Lots of differences in wording. If I recall, it took the deep state almost 50 years to get all the necessary states to sign "something similar" which does not qualify as a proper ratification.
It also appeared the on line lawyers doing research together, managed to locate the "domicile" of the IRS. They were searching because it is private, but, could not be located in any state.
They found it in Puerto Rico, and I remember the discussion being that it use to be called the "Bureau of Internal Revenue". It's job was to collect tax in territories. It was(is) illegal for the feds to collect taxes from people in the states. See the Constitution:
"Representatives and DIRECT TAXES shall be apportioned per capita, through the states" is how I recall the Constitutional sentence.
This means that If Ohio has 10 people by the census and California has 30 people, and the tax is a dollar per capita, then the feds have to say to Ohio "You have ten people so you owe me $10 and California, you have 30 people so you owe the fed $30.
Taxes are distributed just like representatives after the census. The states are suppoled to be the IRS. Not some private group of criminals with an illegal special unconstitutional police force all their own to go around pillaging people individually.
If I recall the discussion, the feds are never to face off with any individuals. The founders protected individuals from abuse by forcing the feds to deal with the states, and, letting the states figure out how to raise the money.
Is my memory correct on this?