Anonymous ID: f4e744 Dec. 4, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.4153095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3273 >>3333 >>3460 >>3530 >>3651 >>3784

Just Thinking 2


Now that the dust has settled, I believe it is time to share a relatively humorous and unintentional lesson that we all need to learn regarding last night’s fumble.


As you all know, Q told us to watch Hannity, then at the last second all 3 guests speakers were cancelled (pic related), and this cancellation is going to be my focus of this post. But first, I wanted to share a couple things.



You messed up my man. It doesn’t mean we don’t love you, it doesn’t mean I’m (we’re), leaving; it just hurts that you would build up something like this that was so easily squandered by the cabal. (Which I will address at the end).


That was quite the fumble Q, and we lost a lot of yards on this one. Now morons like Tapwater Travis (as Neon Revolt calls him), and the others have fuel to feed their anti-Q / anti-Trump machine…AND it makes us look stupid when things don’t happen.


The Lesson

As I thought about the entire event and even though we didn’t get what we wanted last night, I believe there is a message to be learned in last night’s debacle, which I might add, was entirely unintentional…which to me, makes it funny.



Isn’t this one of the major messages Trump delivered on the campaign trail?


I adore Sara Carter with all my heart and I think John Solomon is news reporting beast BUT they did give the Cabal a 2 and ½ day window to combat whatever “news” was going to drop. …AND THIS is the real message, THIS is the lesson!

Anonymous ID: f4e744 Dec. 4, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.4153622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because if we are spreading the4 word about Qanon (much like a missionary would), and we're given information like "watch Hannity," and nothing happens, how does that make us look?


How does that make Q look.


To prove my point, go over to Neon Revolt's Gab channel and you'll, it's exactly what I predicted. When mistakes (and it was a mistake, no hard feelings), happen it makaes Q look unreliable, and in turn makes us look like nuts.

Anonymous ID: f4e744 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.4153809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3819



Ok, I'll explain…


Q acknowledged this >>4093483

That news was meant to be revealed on Monday (yesterday).


Q also posted this (pic) = Reaffirming that the big news was going to hit Monday.

Q also said (pic)


Q didn't want Sara and John to jump the gun but the message was sent that "big news" was on the way.


What Sara and John said was on Friday, that gave the DS 2 days to plan a counter attack.


The point in my original post was what Sara and John did on Friday should have stayed silent.