Anonymous ID: 8db131 Dec. 4, 2018, 4:17 p.m. No.4153969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4006 >>4032 >>4033 >>4246 >>4333


Post # 122 - Trump, Q and the Beauty of D5



Ok DS, today I am going to tell you a little more about the beautiful D5 move. It seems Q wants you to know more about it:



Q2540 Postponed. Well-played DS. Please allow us to counter. Q



You see, going from being an average chess player to a good one depends on your ability to focus on the position rather than the material.



Beginners tend to focus on protecting their pieces on the board and their moves are just a succession of short term tactical arrangements while the experienced player focuses on optimizing his position and achieving an ownership of the chess board that will inevitably result in the death of the opponent’s king.



When the experienced player detects this focus on material, he turns it to his advantage and sets up traps that the greedy and short term sighted rookie would systematically fall into, until he dies with an aborted smile and a distended belly full of the well-packed junk that were graciously served to him.



So you want to know about D5? Watch this 1990 Wojtkiewicz vs Kuczynski game where Wojtkiewicz wins in 25 moves (the YT title is incorrect but the video is accurate) video



As you can see, the first major mistake Kaczynski playing black makes is his 14. a5 move. He allows Wojtkiewicz to take the pawn and is forced to lose time and make the Queen d8 extra move to get the material back. In response, Wojtkiewicz, pretending to still care about his challenged pawn on a5 and to be interested in the b7 pawn, moves his Queen to b4 for (in fact) further positioning on e7. At this moment of the game, the highly strategic D5 position is unveiled but Wojtkiewicz skillfully temporizes and while his opponent is losing time focusing on material, he’s focusing on position. Kaczynski’s next moves show he is not seeing the position coming, he protects his b7 pawn with Queen C7 and, defeated by greed, falls into the a4 pawn trap. This allows Wojtkiewicz to finally play the 22nd d5 deadly move which, at first glimpse does not seem to be bloody but in reality only offers to Kaczynski the bad or very bad options leading to his unavoidable defeat.



That’s the spirit of D5: shiny objects strongly advertised and kindly offered to achieve the final victorious position.



Now you understand why the Maestro has responded so gracefully to the Grey Wolf's death…



If D5 interpreted as Dec 5 was the real fatidic date for the DS in DC, do you think Q would have started to explicitly advertise it as soon as on May 10 2018 when he said this: Img1



This drop was the start of Q’s advertisement campaign for D5. Several other drops came later to sharpen the black hats’ education on the existence of a link between D5 and the FISA declassification. Then, just to make sure his message was well understood, Q widened the trap by saying this:



Q2494 [D]ec 5 D5 Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.



This is the a4 pawn trap Kaczynski did not see. By equating Dec 5 to D5, Q was making the a4 pawn as shiny as it could get to trigger the response he expected from the DS. Which one? A false flag to occupy the news cycle and bury the declassification. Q knew this would be their move, so he gave them the Dec 5 date to have fun with. The proof is in the following drop made as early as Aug 5 2018:



Q1816 FISA. FISA. FISA. [20] There is a reason why we needed to go mainstream prior to the EVIDENCE being dropped. You have more than you know. D5. WWG1WGA. Q



In this drop, Q is clearly saying he is not counting on MSM to spread the news about the FISA declassification. He already knew a false flag would happen. And indeed, it happened: Bush conveniently chose to die at the exact date causing Dec 5 to be a State Funeral day, for example allowing Fox News execs to force Hannity’s focus on it and the cancelation of his Clinton Foundation guests.

More at link