Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.4154583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5000 >>5193

China Dismisses Confusion Claims, Says "Very Successful" Meeting With Trump


Following a story from The Washington Post quoting a former U.S. government official who was said to have been in contact with Chinese officials, claiming Beijing are “puzzled and irritated” by the Trump administration’s behavior, and widespread confusion across media claiming the 'truce' as a nothingburger; China's Ministry of Finance has denied any confusion or negativity exists.


“You don’t do this with the Chinese. You don’t triumphantly proclaim all their concessions in public. It’s just madness,” the former official, who asked for anonymity to describe confidential discussions, told the Post.


While President Trump’s dinner with Chinese leader Xi yielded a cease-fire in the trade war between the world’s two biggest economies, judging by the market's moves today, the details are proving less than satisfying to those hungering for a lasting truce.


But, tonight, China says trade meeting with U.S. is “very successful” and is “confident” to implement the results agreed upon at the talks, according to a statement on Ministry of Commerce website.


A reporter asked: We know that the Chinese economic and trade team has returned to Beijing. What is your comment on this meeting?


A: The meeting was very successful and we have confidence in the implementation.


Q: How is China prepared to promote the next economic and trade consultation?


A: The economic and trade teams of the two sides will actively promote the consultation work within 90 days in accordance with a clear timetable and road map.


Q: What are the priorities for China?


A: China will start from implementing specific issues that have reached consensus, and the sooner the better.


Of course, as Torsten Slok, chief international economist at Deutsche Bank AG said:


The market wants to see more details before it can make up its mind,


It remains unclear for the market whether the trade war will escalate or deescalate from here.”


And, as Axios reports, Mike Pillsbury is worried Trump's negotiations with China are unraveling. The hawkish former Pentagon official — who Trump has called "probably the leading authority on China" and who reportedly huddled with Trump in the Oval the day before Trump left for his G20 meeting with President Xi — said "there's a risk the deal will come undone."


Pillsbury said he's "getting warnings from knowledgeable Chinese about the American claims of concessions" that the Chinese have said they never made. These contradictions include U.S. claims that the Chinese agreed to "immediately" address their most egregious industrial behavior, to "immediately" restart purchases of U.S. agriculture, and to slash tariffs on American cars.


"I have advised the president's team that for the past 40 years the American side avoids disclosing Chinese concessions before the final agreed written statement is released," Pillsbury told me in a phone interview today.


Sounds an awful lot like WaPo's anonymous source? And is the opposite of the official word from China.


Pillsbury's comments were rapidly followed by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro who told Fox News that it would be premature for people to “lose faith” in the trade discussions the U.S. is holding with China……

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.4154626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4644 >>4674 >>5142 >>5256

Drones over Manhattan: NYPD takes flight, but says it's not for spying


The New York Police Department is taking to the skies with a drone program, much to the dismay of civil liberties groups who worry the force’s 14 new unmanned vehicles will be used to spy on New Yorkers with impunity.

The department claimed it does not plan to use the drones for “routine operations,” but the “acceptable uses” included in a press release – “collision and crime scene documentation,” “traffic and pedestrian monitoring at large events,” even “search and rescue” – are vague enough to allow for general surveillance. The drones will be operated by 29 specially-trained members of the NYPD’s Technical Assistance Response Unit.


The Legal Aid Society decried the program as another step toward militarization, an addition to the department’s “unregulated arsenal of surveillance tools” that already includes more surveillance cameras per block (in Manhattan) than any other US city. The NYPD had attempted to preempt backlash by meeting with the New York Civil Liberties Union prior to announcing the program, but the NYCLU released its own statement criticizing the cops for their failure to place any “meaningful restrictions” on drone use. They also object to the permanent archiving of drone footage.


While the NYPD release lists “unacceptable uses” for which drones will not be deployed – “routine patrol,” “traffic enforcement,” and “search without a warrant” among them – that same release leaves the door wide open to breaking the rules. The list of “acceptable uses” for the new technology includes “other emergency situations with approval of Chief of Department.”

More than 900 US law enforcement units already use drones in their operations, and the NYPD consulted with representatives from other police departments while putting together its program….

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.4154652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4918

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.4154732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4767 >>5344

Secret Service testing use of facial recognition outside White House

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.4154799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825 >>4982

The Weekly Standard may be shutting down: reports


The Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine critical of President Trump that has been printing since 1995, may be shutting down its operations, according to two reports on Tuesday.


"Multiple sources tell me that neocon magazine @weeklystandard is expected to close its operations in a few weeks," wrote One America reporter Emerald Robinson on Tuesday afternoon.


The report echoes one from CNN that the fate of the Weekly Standard is "uncertain" due to its inability to find a prospective buyer.


CNN reports that the chairman of the Standard's publisher, MediaDC, has asked to meet with editor-in-chief Stephen Hayes, and that the entire staff of the publication be made available for that meeting, which is "tentatively scheduled" for late next week.


The reports come as Clarity Media Group, which serves as the parent company of the Standard, announced that the conservative weekly magazine the Washington Examiner would be relaunching with a broader national distribution. … more here

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.4154867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4922

Michelle Obama: Queen Elizabeth told me royal protocol is 'all rubbish’

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 5:14 p.m. No.4154950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.4155109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5142 >>5203 >>5220 >>5256 >>5355

74 Members of Congress Demand HHS Stop Funding of Research With Aborted Baby Parts


A letter signed by 74 members of Congress last week urged the U.S. government to stop using tax dollars to fund research that uses aborted baby body parts.


Pro-life Congressman Chris Smith and Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler initiated the letter to Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar amid growing concerns about hundreds of millions of tax dollars being spent on the controversial research.


“Exploiting even one unborn child in this way is repulsive and should stop, regardless of the outcome hoped for by researchers,” they wrote.


They urged Azar to institute a department-wide moratorium on funding for research that uses the body parts of aborted babies, starting with a contract set for renewal Dec. 5.


The members wrote: “We urge HHS to end all complicity in research that uses aborted fetal tissue, beginning with this contract. We respectfully request that HHS immediately stops approving both intramural and extramural research applications that require aborted fetal tissue, and we ask the Department to create a timeline for reviewing all currently-funded research to ensure that it uses ethical research methods instead of aborted fetal tissue.”


National Institute of Health, which is under HHS, spent $98 million on research using fetal tissue in 2017 and an estimated $103 million more in 2018, according to government documents. These experiments treat human beings as “test subjects while promoting the sale of their body parts,” the representatives told Azar.


“Much of the available fetal tissue is obtained from children violently killed by abortion, and we are deeply concerned that the bodies of these babies are being used for experimentation at taxpayer expense,” they continued.


One such National Institute of Health contract is with University of California- San Francisco. The contract provides money for fetal body parts to conduct experiments involving “humanized mice,” according to CNS News. The contract, which began in December 2013 continues through December 2020, according to NIH.


“The actual total amount of this contract, including all options, is $13,799,501 for a full performance period through December 5, 2020,” the NIH told “We have obligated $9,554,796 to date.”….

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.4155150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

who owns


hope its not one of these JFK jr hardcore people


just got that feeling


all these JFK Vincent accounts…. stop making the accounts and changing names I have also been tracking you people….


weird its all the same freaks

Anonymous ID: 5116ce Dec. 4, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.4155273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5318 >>5350

Special counsel Robert Mueller files sentencing memo for former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn


Special counsel Robert Mueller filed a sentencing memo in his criminal case against retired Lt. General Michael Flynn, the former national security advisor to President Donald Trump.

The memo relates to lies Flynn told FBI agents about his conversations with Russia's then-ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, during the presidential transition.

Mueller is expected to file another memo soon about the alleged lies told in recent months by former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort to the special counsel's office.


Special counsel Robert Mueller on Tuesday filed a sentencing memo in his criminal case against Michael Flynn, the former national security advisor to President Donald Trump.


The memo, related to Flynn's lies to federal agents about his conversations with a top Russian diplomat during the presidential transition from late 2016 into early 2017, will be considered by Judge Emmet Sullivan before he sentences Flynn on Dec. 18 in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.


Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, has cooperated with Mueller's ongoing probe of Russian interference in the 2016 president election since pleading guilty in Dec. 1, 2017, and possible coordination with that meddling by the Trump campaign. Mueller is also investigating whether Trump has obstructed justice in the inquiry.


Flynn's lawyers will file their own sentencing memorandum by next week…..