Anonymous ID: 8a675e Dec. 4, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.4154635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>4764 >>4767 >>5317

‘A New Liberal Order’: Mike Pompeo Pushes for Global Alliance Against China, Russia, Iran


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered an address in which he pushed for a “new liberal order” on the world stage to confront China, Russia, and Iran.


“In the finest traditions of our great democracy, we are rallying the noble nations to build a new liberal order that prevents war and achieves greater prosperity,” Pompeo said in a speech this week, per a transcript released by the State Department.


“We are acting to preserve, protect, and advance an open, just, transparent and free world of sovereign states,” Pompeo added, also pushing for the idea that this “new liberal order” the Trump administration is pushing would stand against “bad actors”–notably, China, Russia, and Iran.


Pompeo used this phrase to describe an alliance of western democracies against such “bad actors” just a few days after the death of former President George H.W. Bush.


Bush, America’s 41st president who passed away Friday night at age 94, oversaw the beginnings of the last couple decades’ worth of globalization that accelerated and expanded under his Oval Office successors, former Presidents Bill Clinton, his son George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. These issues of globalism–and this worldview of an international order projecting power worldwide at the forefront of which is the United States–came under intense scrutiny in 2016 as the current and 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, ran for office and won by attacking much of it.


But now Trump’s chief foreign policy adviser, his secretary of state, is espousing in speeches a view that is remarkably similar to what George H.W. Bush said when he first used the phrase “new world order” in a speech to a joint session of Congress in the early 1990s.


Here is an excerpt from that speech that Bush gave to a joint session of Congress on September 11, 1990:


As you know, I’ve just returned from a very productive meeting with Soviet President Gorbachev. And I am pleased that we are working together to build a new relationship. In Helsinki, our joint statement affirmed to the world our shared resolve to counter Iraq’s threat to peace. Let me quote: “We are united in the belief that Iraq’s aggression must not be tolerated. No peaceful international order is possible if larger states can devour their smaller neighbors.” Clearly, no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concerted United Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun.


We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation.


It was in the very next sentence that Bush used the phrase “new world order”–and in the next few sentences, he explained that what it meant was a group of nations working together toward a goal of worldwide peace and prosperity:


Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge: a new era—freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we’ve known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak.

Anonymous ID: 8a675e Dec. 4, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.4154875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4925

800K Children in the U.S. Missing Each Year – International Tribunal Exposes Pedophilia Problem – Victims Testify of Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse


800,000 children a year in the United States go missing, many of them being sexually trafficked through pedophilia networks where the children suffer unimaginable horrors such as Satanic ritual abuse.


This number is comprised of documented cases of children gone missing, and does not include children who are born and bred into pedophilia networks and have no birth certificates, or undocumented immigrant children who come across the borders.


Worldwide, the number is close to 8 million children missing and being sexually trafficked.


Such is the scope of the problem that was reported earlier this year (2018) in Westminster, London by The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), as the court convened over a 3-day period to launch their Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.


The Judicial Commission is comprised of world leaders who have been involved in fighting child sex trafficking for years, and includes intelligence officers, politicians, legal scholars, and many others. (Website:


The International Tribunal was formed because most of the world’s government bodies today have been corrupted and no longer represent the people, but instead serve the interest of private corporations, and as such, justice is seldom found in most government judicial courts around the world today to stop such a heinous crime as child sex trafficking.


In fact, the child sex trafficking network today is actually facilitated by the rich and powerful, whose influence reaches into the political and judicial branches of society.


From the INTJ report:


The ITNJ initiative has arisen as a response to the disregard for the rule of law exhibited by (alleged) public officials, corporate directors, and ‘world leaders’ who have deliberately privatized and weaponized the governments of the world against their own people.


It is the culmination of years of endeavour and research on the part of many people from a diverse set of backgrounds dedicated to safeguarding a viable future for human kind. It is recognized that we the people must take responsibility in holding government to account when it violates basic human rights and natural law.


Today we know conclusively that many of these activities are being facilitated by politically and financially powerful individuals, government, and corporate organizations who perennially avoid being brought to account for their actions due to their affluence and influence.


Included in the court proceedings of the first Judicial Commission of the Tribunal were powerful testimonies from victims who suffered unimaginable horrors as children being sexually abused and trafficked through this powerful world-wide pedophilia network that sexually trafficks children, a human trafficking network that brings in more revenue than the trafficking of weapons and drugs.


During the opening Plenary Session, Chief Counsel Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer, gave perhaps the best summary of the purpose of Tribunal’s Judicial Commission, which has been condensed into a 15 minute video:


Much more:

Anonymous ID: 8a675e Dec. 4, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.4155176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UN system of attack:


1 Create crisis by means of covertly killing food supply, poisoning water or using/exploiting a natural disaster.

2 Claim that there is a humanitarian crisis to gain access then set up in target country.

3 Bring in paid mercenaries who go from small village to small village killing all men, raping and killing all women. Selling the children to the human trafficking networks run by the UN charities apart from the strong males.

4 Indoctrinate the strong males into being murdering raping psychopaths and expand the operation to increase the flow of children.

5 Garner money from the public under false pretenses by showing footage of the children that have been starved tortured and abused to create an emotional response then use the guilt this creates to tax the west.

6 Control the media coming out of such a country and blame the continuing crisis on the militia that appeared out of nowhere.

7 If a war starts like in Yemen use it as cover for the operation and blame any truth tellers on being the aggressor who murders bus loads of children.

8 Once the resources become scarce use the NGO's to ship the indoctrinated "boy" soldiers to the west as persecuted refugees.

9 Then you have the migrant crisis which everyone was locked into

10 Then the UN can use this as the opposition in countries to justify them having to send in UN armies to take over countries under guise of keeping everyone safe.

11 Then we become the UN's prisoners in our countries!