Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.4155376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5451

On The Third Night Of Hanukkah-Light a Candle For All Those Who Were Killed On 9/11


"If I'm elected, you'll find out…


Who Did 9/11

Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.4155386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5460 >>5473 >>5543

Israel Has Subverted the US Constitution


It is now Illegal To Criticize Israel in South Carolina


*Landmark Bill Restricting Criticism of Israel Sneaks through South Carolina Senate. April 2018

US Gov't Traitors and Israel is destroying our First Amendment.



Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand co-sponsored a Bill in Congress Making Boycotting Israel A FELONY


*43 Other Senators co-sponsored this Bill in Congress, July 2017. All Israel First Traitors. 26 States have now passed this Legislation.

US Senate Traitors and Israel are demolishing Our Rights under the US Constitution.



*Imagine if Any Other Country subverted our Constitution like this, it would be 24/7 all over the Mainstream News. So why isn't this widespread Public Knowledge……..oh wait,


Zionist Cabal OWNS the Mainstream Media

Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.4155427   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Organic" - Lost In Hebrew Translation

What Q meant by "Organic:


*Organic = Grassroots growth, like people supporting Trump, Heartfelt.


= Unpaid Anons here digging and posting Truth on any topic they wish.


*Inorganic = Contrived, Organized Paid protesters like those who screamed at the Judge Kavanaugh hearing.


*Inorganic = Organized, Paid Israeli and Zionist Shills paid to Suppress All Truth posted on 8chan about Zionist/Israeli ORGANIZED CRIMES Against Americans.


Q did not mean the opposite of "Organic" to be AI Machine or Bot. Lost in Hebrew Translation.


Zionist Shills Can't Deny the Truth about Zionist Organized Crimes So they just keep saying "spambot" "spambot" spambot", or they tell anons what to do: "Filter"


**They're Actually CONFIRMING the Truth by their desperate sliming of anons.


That's why their tell-tale slime is only Ad Hominum bullshit: "muhJew shill", "spambot", "clown", "AI", never a Human Being because to Jews, all you Goyim are Cattle to be exploited for their benefit. It's in their secret Sanhedrin Laws.


Zionist and Israel are terrified of the Day when The Entire Public finds out


Who Did 9/11


[[[Zionist Shilling intensifies]]]

Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.4155455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5581

Hyatt Hotel Chain Owned by Pritzker Family–J.B. Pritzker is Democrat Governor-elect of Illinois–Chairman of Illinois Holocaust Museum


*J.B. (Jay Robert) Pritzker is the Democrat Governor-Elect of Illinois (age 53). As Governor, he will hold more private wealth than any other Governor in U.S. history, and the second-wealthiest U.S. politician to ever hold office, after Michael Bloomberg.


He is a Billionaire member of the Pritzker family who owns the Hyatt Hotel chain. Born to a prominent Jewish family. Based in Chicago, he has an estimated personal net worth of $3.5 Billion Dollars. (estimated net worth is usually just the tip of the iceberg that's public)


In 2008, J.B. Pritzker was national co-chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

In May 2017 - an 11 minute FBI wiretap of then Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, in a "pay to play" offer to J.B. Pritzker.

On the tapes, Blagojevich asked Pritzker if he would like to be appointed state treasurer, to which Pritzker responded, "Yeah, that's the one I would want."



*J.B. Pritzker is Chairman (immediate past) of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, which opened in 2009. Pritzker successfully led the capital campaign and planning to build an international institution in the Midwest dedicated to teaching the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides.



Another Mega-rich Zionist Jew in charge of a US State


Hyatt Hotel Chain

The first Hyatt Hotel was bought by Jay Pritzker in 1957 in Los Angeles. Hyatt has over 627 hotels Worldwide.

Address of Hyatt Regency in Q Photo is 11 Paradise Walk, Chongqing



^^4 min. video - every year the Illinois Holocaust Museum has an annual memorial day for "the 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany".

Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.4155482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5675

Why are Zionist Shills sooo Desperate to call Patriotanons "shills"?


***(((They))) have Only 1 attack on any Anon who shows the following:


  1. Evidence of Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans.

  2. Exposes the Israeli Subversion of our US Gov't through all their Bought & Paid US Senator/Rep. Dual Shitizen Scum, literally destroying the US Constitution.

  3. Shows the total Zionist JEWISH Ownership and Control of many Industries that affects all of our lives - MSM, Banking/Usury, Hollywood brainwashing,Pornography, Indoctrination through the entire School system, Social Media,and many more……

….. a Zionist Cancer that has Metastasized the Body of America.


***On 8chan their 1 and Only Trope is calling anons they Hate "muh jew shill", "spambots", "AI", "Muh Joo shills". Zionist Shills Insist that we who tell the Truth about Zionism/Israeli Crimes are not Human Beings. This is their level of Hatred of us.


*Notice that there is no Evidence of "spambots" nor "AI" whatsoever. Especially not on posts showing the Zionist Organized Criminal Cabal and how they have harmed Americans. There is a Mountain of Evidence, both Overt and Classified.


*Dismissing the Severity of the Zionist Poisoning of America by calling it "Muh Joo" is both ridiculous and filled with Hate of patriot anons here.


For 2 years, the entire Jewish Zionist Owned and Staffed MSM have been screeching the SAME Trope : Russian "bots" elected Trump. According to Jewish Zionist Media, not a single American Human Being voted for Donald Trump. It was "Russian bots" who elected Trump. Now it's the same Condescending Hate used to attack anons.


*These Zionists Hate Us, and our Courage in pointing out that American Zionist Organized Criminal Groups and Israel has, over 50+ Years, Infiltrated and Poisoned America in every aspect of life. Many Americans have died fighting Zionist Banker Wars created to benefit Israel's Tyranny. Many Americans have lost their homes due to Zionist Banker Usury.


Talmudic Zionist Jews consider non-Jews to be CATTLE. To be Exploited and Killed to Benefit Jews

**This is stated in their Secret Sanhedrin Laws.


Does Anyone Here Have ANY Doubt As To Why These Zionist Fuckers Have Been Thrown Out Of Every Country They Have EVER Lived In, and Sucked The Life Blood Out Of?

Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.4155510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5675

NOBODY in America is "Divided" by seeing the Truth about the Zionist Organized Crimes Against Americans


*US Adult Population 243 Million people


US Jewish Population - less than 2%


**98% of Americans Care About America, NOT Israel. Unless you're a Zionist Shill


We've been force fed this Israel/Jews Professional Victim crap, but you can't hide the TRUTH about Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans anymore.


***Only Zionist Shills try to "DIVIDE" American anons by diverting attention away from Real Zionist Organized Cabal Crimes against Americans. They always use a Q quote to Mislead you : "They Want You DIVIDED". When it's really:

(((They))) Want You DIVIDED. from the Truth about (((them)))


In the interest of UNITY and Equality, That Noahide Law that Zionists bribed our Corrupt Congress and Bush Sr. to sign into US Public Law 102-14 should cover Everyone, so it should be Legal to execute ALL Criminals and Traitors by Guillotine… not just Christians.


**Let's Agree That It Is Legal To Execute Zionist Cabal Criminals By GUILLOTINE As Well

Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 6:14 p.m. No.4155872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5910 >>5969

Broward County Has 51 Crematoriums


**Broward County's urbanized area occupies 427.8 Square Miles of land.

For Area Size Comparison:

  • New York City (5 Boroughs) – 302.6 Sq. Miles

  • Los Angeles Metro Area – 503 Sq. Miles


Average Age in Broward County is 40 Years Old

In the county, the population was spread out with 21.7% under the age of 18, 8.5% from 18 to 24, 26.9% from 25 to 44, 27.7% from 45 to 64, and 15.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 40 years.



WHY Does Broward County Need 51 Crematoriums??

**Jews Do Not Cremate Their Dead. Cremation is Forbidden.


*There are also 42 Chabad Centers in Broward County.



*Complete List of all 51 Crematoriums in Broward County:


Anonymous ID: 75834b Dec. 4, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.4155926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lamest Zionist Shill Word is calling a Patriot a "Shill"


Their previous "Russian Bot" failed miserably.


Now they're pretending that any TRUTH about the Khazarian Zionist Crimes against Americans must be censored because it "divides" us.


US Population: 328,953,020 (329 Million people)


US Jewish Population: less than 2%


Israel Population: 8,855,000 (almost 9 Million people)


98% of Americans Don't Give A Shit About Israel because Americans Are NOT Israelis


This is what the JIDF Israeli Shills in Israel don't get, as they desperately keep insisting any truth that they cannot censor about Zionist Cabal fuckery is "dividing" anons here.


NOBODY in America is "Divided" by seeing the Evidence about the Khazarian Zionist Crimes against Americans.


The Truth is Out !


[RATS RUNNING]Lamest Zionist Shill Word is "Division"


Their previous "Russian Bot" failed miserably.


Now they're pretending that any TRUTH about the Khazarian Zionist Crimes against Americans must be censored because it "divides" us.


US Population: 328,953,020 (329 Million people)


US Jewish Population: less than 2%


Israel Population: 8,855,000 (almost 9 Million people)


98% of Americans Don't Give A Shit About Israel because Americans Are NOT Israelis


This is what the JIDF Israeli Shills in Israel don't get, as they desperately keep insisting any truth that they cannot censor about Zionist Cabal fuckery is "dividing" anons here.


NOBODY in America is "Divided" by seeing the Evidence about the Khazarian Zionist Crimes against Americans.


The Truth is Out !