Don't even get me started on the utter lunacy of allowing foreign groups to purchase land, real estate, infrastructure, etc. I mean seriously the moment FB or any of those companies thought they were being sneaky with their deals with foreign nations they should have been auto smashed, a new competitor should have immediately emerged and any of the weasels who wanted to bitch about it while double dealing at the cost of our nations security should have been disappeared, fuck them.
But that doesn't happen. Why? Because the same fucking companies doing that ALSO control the server access needed to create a new company to compete against them (ie: Gab). So not only do they literally control the information output but they also literally control the potential of competition. How the fuck is that allowed? How the fuck can a company with ties to China have direct control of American servers? How the fuck can a foreign country buy land right outside a military base? How the fuck can they own/partial own crucial infrastructure?
I just consider this and shake my head in amazement the sheer and utter stupidity that these "decision makers" have showcased and yet they are STILL fucking in power to continue it when they should have had a helicopter ride long ago.
This shit isn't a baseball game where the loser goes home pissed. In this game a loss means lives and society so how in the name of Zues' butthole is it allowed. Anyhow, rant over.