While there are good doctors and scientists within the medical establishment who see through the delusional propaganda funded by Big Pharma and strive to warn the public and regulatory agencies about the broad dangers posed to society by the indiscriminate and overuse of the psychiatric drugs, the extensive empirical evidence they have published in the scientific literature is simply ignored by a corporate media whose very existence is largely dependent on the multi-billion dollar psychiatric drug industry. For example, the following study was published 12 years ago and despite many others which have followed they have had little to no impact on an industry which only continues to grow in size and reach. Therefore, the only way to defeat this monster is to destroy the MSM and red pill the people (many who are already aware of the dangers intuitively) until there is a massive boycott of the entire psychiatric industry. The problem is that we only have a short window to do this otherwise Big Pharma lobbyists will eventual succeed in their plans to force government mandated treatment programs medicating the the people against their will. And they also intend to employ medication laced with nano sensors which can be used to monitor and enforce compliance in a persons body in real time.
Comparison of Suicide Rates in Treated Schizophrenia Patients Found 20-Fold Increase
Dr. David Healy, an internationally recognized authority both as a psychopharmacologist and a historian of clinical practice in psychiatry conducted a historical review and found "a 20-fold increase in suicide rates for patients with schizophrenia in the modern period."
These startling findings are certain to stir much controversy because they challenge a key mental health treatment goal—suicide prevention—which is also offered as the prime justification for mental screening in U.S. schools.
Dr. Healy and colleagues’ historical findings raise serious questions about current practices—and the possibility that the drugs upon which psychiatry relies on so heavily may be doing harm. Indeed, recent suicide case reports to the British Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)—which are said to represent 1 in 100 adverse events—seem to confirm that antipsychotics as well as antidepressants are implicated in the greatest number of suicides and suicide attempts in the UK. See, MHRA statistics posted on the AHRP website at: http:// www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/90/28/
Prescribers of antipsychotic drugs must weigh the total risk profile of these drugs: they cannot afford to disregard the possibility of a 20-fold increased suicide risk, as well as the proven severe adverse effects of these drugs—some of which are disclosed in black box warnings in these drugs’ labels.
In light of the disturbing possibility that the drugs are doing serious, irreparable harm: increasing suicides, heart attacks, diabetes and much more, how can we let stand state statutes that allow mental health professionals to force antipsychotic drugs on patients? How can we endorsement state mandated, forced treatment with drugs shown to put patients at increased risk of death?
As the unfiltered evidence of harm is brought to light, prescription guidelines, such as the Texas medication algorithm (TMAP) that mandate the use of harm producing antipsychotics, should be discarded. The drugs recommended in the TMAP guidelines are undermining the life safety of patients.
Dr. Healy, it should be remembered, had delivered the most potent challenge to his peers in the psychiatric establishment and to drug regulators (FDA, MHRA)—when he confronted them with evidence from unpublished industry produced controlled, clinical trial data, showing that SSRIs increased the risk of suicide in children and adolescents. Thus, he overturned more than a decade of widely made, unsubstantiated claims about the safety of antidepressants of the SSRI class.
See full text of BJP article at: http:// bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/abstract/188/3/223