Anonymous ID: 6bfc62 Dec. 4, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.4156431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4156089 lb

With you, fren. No deals. Swift hearing if the evidence. Directly to execution. Cheap method and efficient disposal of the corpse.


NO FUCKING HAGIOGRAPHY FOR TRAITORS ALLOWED. History must be allowed to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about what these cunts did and what they intended for humanity. Kids need to grow up with awareness and suspicion of all authority and institutions; never again must these human shit stains be permitted to resurface. Secrecy in government must be reduced by 95%, so that there’s nowhere for wrongdoing to hide, and an entirely new regime of oversight needs to be instituted in which The People will have a right to require an investigation and have immediate access to relevant documents, all blockchain authenticated to prevent tampering.


Oh this could be so much fun. The blueprint being established HERE needs to become something like the norm: engaged citizenry holding government to account using open source information. We’ll need much better tools and rights of redress, but the model is great. I never cease to be amazed by the range and depth of expertise that exists among brother and sisters anons. We love freedom; we love our nation; and we’ve come to respect and love each other too (no homo).


I exclude JIDF & Clown shills, Freddy, CTA, Leaf, Red, etc. You are cunts and you will be swept away in the tsunami of transformation. May God have mercy on you; we won’t.

Anonymous ID: 6bfc62 Dec. 4, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.4156765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let’s be honest: this platform is deficient in many respects and most of the time we’re making the best of inappropriate tech. for what’s being attempted. Persistence has been repaid, however.


Soon (I hope) there will be a need to design something more appropriate to new circumstances. I trust anons won’t ever turn their backs on digital investigation and oversight. The gains must be built upon and leveraged.