Anonymous ID: bdb6fb Dec. 4, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.4157607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7617


There are, according to my informant, several ways to form a longitudinal EM wave. All involve mixing transverse frequencies in a non-linear medium. The nonlinear medium could be something like a plasma, a crystal (I assume mirrored on both ends like a laser resonant cavity), intense magnetic fields? I forget the other ways that were mentioned when I asked for examples. I wonder if it can now be done very easily with a digital signal processor + phased array of small antennae … suspect it can.

The informant said that once a longitudinal wave is formed, it can basically pass through mass (the earth's mass) unobstructed.

Two transmitters overlap their signal in an interference zone a/k/a target zone. Waveform peaks and troughs cancel out but the energy is still present, only oscillating in a different dimension.

This kind of technology (weaponized) is likely what caused the brain injuries to diplomats in Cuba & elsewhere IMO.

I used to say this oscillation into another plane was the time dimension but frankly I do not know that to be the case. An electronics person reported some time phenomena when messing around with circuits to demonstrate feasibility. Don't know whether to take these reports with a grain of salt.

The informant was rather clear on some topics but (deliberately?) vague on others, when I queried how to measure it, how to emit the LR signal, etc.