Out of interest I wondered into enemy territory to look at the comments section on the Washington Post about the Flynn charges story.
Counted about 200 comments thus far (gave up after a while), and only 1 pro MAGA comment. The rest are all happy/delighted with glee that Flynn has given up Potus by singing like a bird on him. Or some think he is an honorable man who was put in a difficult position by Potus.
Either way, it's hilarious; they call think Flynn has ratted Potus out. Zero idea as to the possibility that something else may be going on.
Do we go there and drop some truth bombs in the comments behind enemy lines?
Oh and somebody unironically wrote this:
"McCain and Bush Sr, two of the last decent Republicans, both passing in 2018.
Very symbolic".
The cognitive dissonance is going to be unreal.