Q….how do they react to death if one of their own is taken? Pain? 23 must be nuclear if they threaten to use nukes on us cause we wont give up our firearms and not falling for anymore of their fake news crap. 23. Think mirror. 32 is the freezing point (32nd FDR/Pearl Harbor)…What is the coldest at 40,000ft? -40F? Are we close to -41F? Casket photo a signal what is to come? How over the target am I? Just brainstorming here. If anyone thought of something like this before great. Oh and whats with all the emp reports we been seeing lately? Lights out? Dark to light is your plan? Do they want light to dark? They must really enjoy seeing a lot of people die. One of their next moves is a 9/11 level event? Can a sub launch an emp? Nork sats just a distraction? And you posted….hope you can answer something…