D[ec] 5
People will be focused.
No Market distractions.
Checkmate on the Deep State.
D[ec] 5
People will be focused.
No Market distractions.
Checkmate on the Deep State.
Time traveling is fun
…when you Qontrol the Qlock.
The only time Q has ever been late is only when's he been 'Right on Time'.
And now all they can do is cry 'Muh Khashoggi', which is also the the first and only time Gina has made a cameo since nominated.
Q always said repeatedly 're-read drops'!
Now his first drops ever are making all the more sense.
AJ and his Fake MAGA connections and their attacks on Q make even more sense now.
The attacks increased almost on Q or should I say 'cue'.
So at some point in the not too distant past, JA will soon be spirited out of the Embassy.
Trying to think now…when would be the most optimal time? :)