Yes, its back for the first time in a long time. Not unbearable, but there.
Think its scalar related. If you haven't read up on it, the info is out there.
Basic version, two steered RF beams, modulated correctly at right angles to each other, can pull or push energy into existence. If you are RF sensitive, catching one beam can manifest as ear ringing. Tom Bearden has a lot of info on it posted on his site.
Lots of uses, but earthquake induction is a major one. Coinciding with the current earthquake swarm, I'll file that under things which make you say hmm.
It doesn't bother me too much, just background. Years of high powered firearms give you a nice case of background tinnitus to aid in drowning it out. The scalar ringing is definitely there though.
The lack of glowing shills has been nice. And I don't include ebot in that, because he's pretty much an honorary anon at this point. After all, he's so active we know he's an autist.
Irish titties, best titties