>>4162125 lb.
gotta address this for my famz here on Night Shift… origin of tree falljbg in woods riddle goes back to either Surangama Sutra or Lakavantara (sic) sutra. the question was posed to get at nature of sense faculties and which are more / less susceptible to imaginary phenomena (hallucinations and such)…
the answer explicated to the question of sound from a tree falling goes like this: yes the tree makes a sound regardless of observer present as the vibration occurs on the physical plane and originates from objects as physical as the bag of bones and skin we carry daily. whereas visual phenomena, for example may or may not actually occur with the presence / or absence of an observer (who must then determine real or illusion).
I reckon thats due to the electromagnetic nature of visual phenomena… but the larger point of the lesson B. was expounding on was that the mind itself is difficult if not impossible to fix to a location in the world or inside the body, if indeed the perception of having a mind is not an illusion itself.
I took from this lesson that while the brain is on cranium, the mind is nonlocal and therefore may (not certain yes \ no) be collective and remote. And more applicably, you can shut your eyes to unpleasant sights but you cant blink your ears, a tree makes a noise with or without you, and yes coma patients can hear us talking to them