Anonymous ID: 1e86b4 Dec. 5, 2018, 7:59 a.m. No.4164793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4829

The Media: A Stain on Journalism


During the coverage of former President Bush’s funeral observances, the mentally deranged Marxist media used this time to attack President Trump. They lamented that President Trump is unqualified to hold the office of president, and he has forever damaged the integrity of the highest office in the land. That’s funny because Obama was the least qualified person to ever hold the office, and he did more damage to the integrity of the office than anyone before him, including Bill Clinton. Not only did the liberal media disrespect the deceased and his family, they disrespected the President and the people of America, thus proving once again that they are a stain on the integrity of journalism.



Moreover, the media has grown accustomed to making false statements and accusations, smearing anyone they disagree with, without having to present any facts to prove their accusations. In a nutshell, the media has grown accustomed to a mindless audience that thinks, if they say it, then it has to be true. The media moguls have turned journalism into a paradise for liars, smut peddlers and shyster lawyers. The media moguls then use their liars and smut peddlers to promote their own shyster lawyers in government, thus transforming the government of the people, by the people and for the people into a government of the lawyers, by the lawyers and for the lawyers.

Anonymous ID: 1e86b4 Dec. 5, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.4164903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California's People's House has become a den of thieves

California's 'Grand Theft Election'


On election night, California Republicans were heading for victories. Less than one month later, while ballots are still being counted, half of California’s Republican Congressional races were flipped by Democrat challengers, none of whom have ever held an elected public office.


Republicans lost election night leads for five members of Congress, three state Assembly races, two state Senate seats and a Board of Equalization candidate, Shawn Steel wrote in a column this week.



Assembly Republicans total only 20 out of 80 members of the Assembly, and Senate Republicans are down to 11 members out of 40 Senators, for a grand total of 31 elected Republicans out of 140 total legislators in all of the Capitol.


In the State Legislature, Democrats won 60 Assembly seats and 29 Senate seats, giving them a whopping supermajority. So while Democrats are reveling in the California Blue Tsunami, Republicans throughout California have borrowed a page from former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and are asking “What Happened?”


Yet nary a word since Election Day from California’s Republican Party Chairman Jim Brulte who was MIA during the midterm election. The screen shot is of my emails from the CAGOP since March… nothing since Election Day except a statement about the death of former President George H.W. Bush… nothing from Chairman Brulte on the staggering Republican losses.


What Happened?: California Democrats have created the perfect storm with pre-voter registration for teenagers, and illegal aliens, felons, and inmates now able to vote