5 Dec 2018 - 12:01:07 AM
Logical thinking.
D5 drops 1st - last.
Content & Dates.
Huber drops 1st - last.
Content & Dates.
Role of Huber (as portrayed by 'Q')?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) that Huber would be scheduled to testify re: Clinton Foundation on D5?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) GHWB passes away and the State Funeral date is on D5?
What other interviews and investigations were wiped clean (postponed) given a STATE FUNERAL takes up media coverage for a week?
Why does the (global) FAKE NEWS media [largest in the world] continually attack 'Q'?
Why is the WASH POST leading the attack?
Think ABC agency.
When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY.
RAPID_FIRE = POTUS Press Ccnference he promised after Bush funeral.