Anonymous ID: dd8a1e Dec. 5, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.4166140   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Verily I say to you, the people of Israel were never a tribe of their own and have at all times made a living from murder, robbery and fire. Through ruse and murder did they conquer this land, through their despicable predatory wars, whereby they slaughtered their best friends like wild animals." And GOD SAID: "Cursed be the people of Israel until the END OF THE WORLD and it will never find its peace." IS TODAY DIFFERENT FROM TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO? HOW SO? DID I SAY TO KILL THEM, MUTILATE THEM, HATE THEM OR INJURE THEM? NAY, NAY, NAY–IN FACT, WE OF THESE OUTER REALMS ARE SENDING MULTITUDES AMONG THEM TO WORK THE WONDROUS TRANSITION. THE PEOPLES OF THE RACE ARE BEARING OUR VERY OWN CHILDREN UPON YOUR PLACE TO SET THEM FREE OF THEIR BONDAGE. BUT THE CYCLE WILL COME DOWN AND CLOSE EXACTLY AS WRITTEN! NO MORE: NO LESS. SO BE IT.


I told them (my twelve) and so it is today: "Behold, I am sending you among the unbelievers and those set in their false teachings, like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as clever as the serpents and without deceit as the doves." No small task indeed.


"Beware of people, for they shall turn you over to the courts and shall scourge you in their

synagogues. They will ridicule you, deprecate you, denounce you in every aspect of your life

being, and then come running unto you to reap a share of the wondrous gifts ye shall bring."

Further: "You will be led before Kings and so called 'great men' because of my teaching as

witnesses unto them and light will go forth through thy works and mine WORD. "Take no care if you cannot flee and they shall turn you over unto the courts, for the power of your spirit will not leave you, and your knowledge will tell you what you shall say and I shall touch of those who represent you in truth. For it is not you who speaks, but the power of your spirit and its knowledge."


I am telling you, dear ones, try not to deal with Israel in thy blind desire to assist for it has naught

to do with you; it is between God and Israel.


With Israel, you will get nowhere with those peoples until the ending of the world cycle and so be

it. It does not mean that ye shall not love thy Jewish neighbor for we speak now of an entirely

different matter and one has very little connection to the other.


I remind you; the disciple is not above the master, nor the servant above his lord. It suffices that

the disciple be like his master, and the servant be like his lord. If they have called the father of the

house Beezlebub, how much more will they call them who live in his house.


Therefore, protect of thineselves from that of Israel for it is like a festering boil. But be not afraid

of them, because there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing secret which will

not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, speak in day light; and what is whispered into

your ears, preach from the roof tops. Be not afraid of evil slander, but be afraid of those that kill

the body and take life, eyes for eyes and teeth for teeth–life for life for there is no Godness within

them. Further, they will eat into thy flesh until thy joints are frozen and ye are too crippled to


Anonymous ID: dd8a1e Dec. 5, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.4166292   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Verily I say to you, wisdom has to be learned from the Laws of The Creation which man perceives

in nature. But if man does not think and search, he will not attain wisdom and remains a fool.


"The wise do not cry over lost things, over those who have physically died, or over things of the

past. Fools cry over things that are not worthy of weeping, thereby they increase their grief and

obviously are in need of experiencing misery.


"He who is rich in wisdom and lives according to the Laws, does not allow that creatures should

suffer, even the least pain or wound, if they are without fault.


"A fool or a mad man who does not conquer and control his emotions, considers destruction as an

advantage and reverse wise, an advantage as destruction, and considers great suffering as a type of



"Because men do not follow wisdom and do not seek knowledge, nor perceive the Laws, they are

filled with imprudence and vice. The dishonest, the stupid, the defiant, the miserly, those without

moral scruples, the coarse and vulgar, and the angry, will be hurt as someone who is poor in spirit.

"If a person perceive, daily in due manner, just a little wisdom in spirit, he progresses like the moon

during the light half of thy month cycle. Wisdom is the greatest asset of man and so is the created

'will' which is Lord over love and happiness, but all this has no meaning without the Power of Spirit.





"He who takes care of a cow always will receive milk; likewise, he who nurtures wisdom and

applies it through the power of spirit brings forth rich fruitage. Perceive every Law of The Creation

and once you have perceived it, seize it and live accordingly, for the Laws are the greatest of



"There is no eye that is equal to wisdom, no darkness equal to ignorance, no power equal to the

power of the spirit, and no terror equal to that of spiritual poverty and deprivation. There is no

higher happiness than wisdom, and no better friend than knowledge–there is no other 'savior' than

the power of the spirit.


"He who has intelligence may grasp my speech so that he is wise and knowing."

Anonymous ID: dd8a1e Dec. 5, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.4166486   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Firstly, what is money? The paper money you spend has as collateral a U.S. Government Treasury Bond. Remember that, it is not gold, my friends. Therefore, government credit is money. So, if the government's credit is not good, neither is the money you spend. Further, neither is the value of mortgages, CD's, mutual funds, and any other "paper", since they are all measured in "dollars". In a very short time the dollar will be worthless. It's very much a form of suicide—intent and fulfillment.


Do you realize that approximately four banks in the U.S. fail in each of your weeks? This does not count the ones being absorbed by the gray man banking octopus (relative to the gray men lecture). I state, "failing". This is because they are in the state of petrifaction. Only a very small portion of most banks' assets can be liquidated on short notice without very large losses.

Commercial banks rely on the Federal Reserve to replenish their reserves-DAILY–good weather or

bad. But guess what—the Federal Reserve Banks are not in much better shape: they consist of

government securities. In case of a bank run, the Federal Reserve would be in no position to meet the

demand for cash – remember the minimum 20 to one lending ratio? If a demand for cash through

honest liquidation were allowed, it would absolutely break the bond market. Therefore, the Federal

Reserve System (FED) would have to do what it has already begun to do—monetize by CREATING

CREDITS— not PAPER MONEY; the bad assets of the banks needing aid only makes the FED's own

position incredibly worse. Therein lies great and magnificent danger, friends.


Most of you, the U.S. public, and, frankly, most of your experts live in a dream world. You peer into your personal computers (experts) and the television screens (public) and eat up the projections of paid

projectionists who tell you exactly that which is fed to them. Most of you believe you are still a nation

that you have been in the past times—one that furiously produces goods and services so that everyone

can have a wondrously high standard of living. You believe that it is your capitalistic system and its

profit drive that makes it all possible. (News flash: you haven't had a true capitalistic system in such a

long, long time.) You believe that you work for money, money is your main goal, and you get this

money by hard work. WRONG!