>Next on CNN: Trump is the antichrist '''
:: Acosta to CNN producer ::
Do we believe in the Bible now?
:: CNN producer to Acosta ::
Today only because we want to make Trump look bad.
:: Acosta to CNN producer ::
>Next on CNN: Trump is the antichrist '''
:: Acosta to CNN producer ::
Do we believe in the Bible now?
:: CNN producer to Acosta ::
Today only because we want to make Trump look bad.
:: Acosta to CNN producer ::
People like what they like, don't like what they don't like.
Their likes/dislikes have zero effect on mine.
Won't happen.
Maybe they can't afford the high cost.
You talking about US Marines?
Their sacred uniform with the red "blood stripe" on their pants?
If so, the Marines tell you to go straight to hell.