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Every time they are baited into something (enticed), they commit to some sort of action. They use some ammo in the process.
Pretty soon, they run out of ammo.
Well, if you can approach the coffin from multiple sides, then from only one side will the flag be configured correctly.
As far as the wrinkles go, my brother, a Navy vet passed away a few years ago. He wasn't anything special (he'd been the first to say that). But the flag that draped his coffin was immaculate, much better than the ruffled looking flag on 41's box.
"Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him."
Ecclesiastes 8:12
When they're not pissing and moaning and otherwise generally bitching.
Funny looking teeth on here. Equus ferus-esque
Forced laughs are so obvious.
Because that's probably what he's done.
She looks a lot like my wife's late crazy aunt.