Anonymous ID: 844860 Feb. 18, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.417951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7972 >>8118

William Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse


My takeaway in normie format:

The shadow government thinks we (the sheep) are about to cause our own extinction, and in order for the human race to survive the population needs to be drastically cut and/or expand to other planets. Instead of informing the world of the science and evidence to support their claims they have chosen to hide and suppress it. The same technological advances that can heal and transform the world's population would also further fuel the population growth and hasten the end. Rather than exposing the truth and letting all nations, cultures and people decide to act independently they have taken it upon themselves to use whatever means they determine necessary to cull the populations of the planet. To this end they design wars, terrorism, shootings, strife, famine, disease, and anything else that causes loss of life and suffering. We the people of the United States are the final piece to the puzzle of this world domination plot. They NEED us to give up, they NEED us to lose our economic strength, they NEED us to consider our neighbors the enemy. They need us to be so poor and weak that we have no choice but to give up our freedoms in order to survive. As soon as we choose to give up the fight and our freedoms are eroded to more closely match those of other nations of the world, they can then easily transition to the totalitarian one world government and slaughter us as they deem necessary to 'ensure the survival of the human race'. The 2nd amendment and the basket of deplorables is the only reason they have not won yet. We the people have forgotten what it is like to represent ourselves in government. We the people have given up almost all control and rights in the names of peace, safety, and security. The nation and indeed the entire world hangs by a thread and the only thing keeping that thread intact is We the People who believe that we are in fact sovereign citizens and have a duty to protect our country and ourselves. Regardless of race, religion, gender, et al we must take our country back or we will lose the fight on behalf of the entire world. It doesn't matter if aliens are real, it doesn't matter if your religion is right, if you are focusing on these things you are being blinded to the truth of what is really transpiring. Wake up and see what is happening, wake up and take control away from your government, wake up and take your freedom and independence back. If we fail to do these things, we will lose. If we lose, then all except the chosen elite and their puppet slaves will die. Then they will reveal the free energy, then they will release the cures, then they will heal the planet, for themselves. We will be dead. There is no time left to lose.


(Agnosticfag here but need to biblefag for dramatic effect)

It is time for the old heaven and earth to pass away. It is time for the righteous to tread upon the ashes of the wicked!


(Think Matrix) The problem is choice. We have to give up and allow it to happen. If we choose to take control of our government again, we cannot lose.



Patriots are the last line of defense for the survival of the real human race.

Where we go one, we go all!