Want to fight the cabal? STOP BUYING FROM AMAZON!
We all know by now that the Bezos/CIA-owned mockingbird Washington Post is leading the attack on the Q movement. So why do you continue to buy products and services from Bezos/CIA-owned Amazon.com? While we can't do anything about the tons of money the CIA is pouring into Amazon's cloud computing services, we can apply some free market principles.
Don't buy from amazon.com
Yeah Amazon is easy and convenient. But there are other sites to buy from, and alternative products to buy.
Cancel your Amazon Prime membership
Other sellers are offering free shipping deals these days. And is Amazon Prime Video/Music really necessary in your life?
Get rid of that Alexa device
Seriously. Why do you let that spying service into your home?
While it may be less convenient to buy elsewhere this holiday season (and moving forward), are you willing to continue to help fund these clowns?