What amazes me anon ass is it was all publically known a LONG time ago. I use Duckduckgo and NOT Goog shill search. Dig and you will find.
Just search for 'fisa courts chastise obama'. OMG dig.
What amazes me anon ass is it was all publically known a LONG time ago. I use Duckduckgo and NOT Goog shill search. Dig and you will find.
Just search for 'fisa courts chastise obama'. OMG dig.
It will be zero but I think this is your point anon. Luv all you anons, hate the shills but maybe they will come around. KEK! NO fukin way, they're dillutional.
Prolly the latter anon :)
Would you knowing what you know?
Probably says "WE have the server(s)"
Well done anon. Saved/stolen.
Kek! u r funny o7
You get cancer, you get cancer we ALL get cancer!