I've been thinking quite a bit about things lately. Any anons here know that transgenderism is being pushed by the deep state. Note the depictions of Baphomet, engendering both male and female attributes, and how important it seems for [[[them]]] to destroy traditional gender roles.
Now, any anons here that are well versed in ganja biology know that cannabis plants have two sexes. Delving deeper, we find that there is a survival trait within the cannabis plant that allows for the asexual propagation of genetic material.
If a female plant is isolated from potential mates, production of the medically active compounds is stimulated, the sticky resins and oils end up coating the bud in hopes of increasing chances of collecting pollen from a male plant.
Here is where things get crazy, take your isolated female and add environmental stresses (physical damage, uneven photoperiods, stress inducing chemical compounds, etc.) and the plant decides that the only way to ensure genetic propagation is to grow male sex organs, and self propagate, effectively becoming a self-fertilzing hermaphrodite. Any offspring produced by the hermaphrodite plant will be guaranteed female, with a propensity toward hermaphroditism.
Now, lets think for a moment. Chemtrails, vaccines, bisphenol-a(BPA, a synthetic estrogen used as a clarifying agent in plastics, also found in thermal activated receipt paper), the entire transgender movement, pharmaceutical side effects. Are [[[they]]] trying to intentionally stress the population to create an easily controllable, hermaphroditic slave population?