Trinity field
Trinity charge
color charge is like electric charge but 3 poles that are neither positive or negative but something different. One quarter of our primary forces - the strong nuclear force is based on a TRINITY FIELD
Trinity field
Trinity charge
color charge is like electric charge but 3 poles that are neither positive or negative but something different. One quarter of our primary forces - the strong nuclear force is based on a TRINITY FIELD
You can measure where a photon is or the velocity and trajectory but not both.
They are different measures - one is the measure of the field basically the probability or you can measure a particle but they switch back and forth all the time and are mutually exclusive - Heisenberg Uncertainty principle is how scientists say it.
Photons are collapsed waves of light that form when there is some external force - such as observation or measurement.
Now electrons are different and to have spin and oscillation etc.
if you call moving back from particle to wave form oscillation then ok but we would have to add another dimension.
Nah that is probably protons and neutrons.