It's so moving when cabal puppets can put aside their shticks meant to divide the plebs and mourn one of their own who has passed.
Trump didn't shake hands with the Clintons because he couldn't reach with Michael cock-blocking the pew.
It's so moving when cabal puppets can put aside their shticks meant to divide the plebs and mourn one of their own who has passed.
Trump didn't shake hands with the Clintons because he couldn't reach with Michael cock-blocking the pew.
jews are blessings upon the earth, like springs of pure water, and America will be made great again so the jews can thrive.
I'm just paraphrasing the Vice President, Pence
You're very welcome. Iran next.
So since we weren't united on 11-11, the cabal run NG prints a worldwide seismic wave story. So something did happen, wow. Clever.
He's probably pinching McCain's ass right now in their TX compound
That's why Israel is last, because we die first supporting them
Yeah unified, like Pence said. Jews and Christians, Republicans and Democrats, young and old, no matter how we identify, we all support Israel. laughter because the joke is on us.
Tony Pedosta will serve one year of reporting to prison for sleepovers on weekends, like Epstein, and Pizzagate will never see a court date.
Do you like tea parties? Because that will be the only way
It really is. It's like hearing wedding vows between male and female sluts in Vegas
Cabal is getting arrested like Osama was killed in a raid
My chakras are off the chart now
Can't have the whistleblower reveal anything not approved by the FBI
Notable as Fuck!