Anonymous ID: 20022e Dec. 5, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.4177553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8105

A discussion by Nobelist Lee of particle physics and its findings, includes

broken symmetry, which includes the broken symmetry of a dipole. Quoting

from Lee [18], p. 184: ‘‘… the discoveries made in 1957 established not only

right-left asymmetry, but also the asymmetry of the positive and negative signs

of electric charge. In the standard nomenclature, right-left asymmetry is referred

to as P violation, or parity nonconservation. The asymmetry between opposite

signs of electric charge is called C violation, or charge conjugation violation, or

sometimes particle-antiparticle asymmetry.’’ ‘‘Since non-observables imply

symmetry, these discoveries of asymmetry must imply observables.’’


Simply put, Lee has pointed out the rigorous basis for asserting that the

arbitrarily assumed Lorentz 3-symmetry of the Maxwellian system is broken by

the source dipole—and in fact by any dipole. Such broken 3-symmetry in the

dipole’s energetic exchange with the active vacuum is well known in particle

physics, but still is not included at all in classical electrodynamics, particularly

in the models used to design and build EM power systems. The proven dipole

broken 3-symmetry rigorously means that part of the dipole’s received virtual

energy—continuously absorbed by the dipole charges from the active

vacuum—is transduced into observable 3-space energy and reemitted in real

(observable) energy form. That this has been well known in particle physics for

nearly a half-century, but is still missing from the classical EM model, is

scientifically inexplicable and a foundations error of monumental magnitude.

Once made, it is the source dipole that powers the circuit.

Anonymous ID: 20022e Dec. 5, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.4177567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We recovered a major fundamental principle from Whittaker’s [1] profound but

much-ignored work in 1903. Any scalar potential is a priori a set of EM energy

flows, hence a set of ‘‘electromagnetic energy winds,’’ so to speak. As shown by

Whittaker, these EM energy winds pour in from the complex plane (the time

domain) to any x,y,z point in the potential, and pour out of that point in all

directions in real 3-space [1,16,20].


Further, in conventional EM theory, electrodynamicists do not actually

calculate or even use the potential itself as the unending set of EM energy

winds or flows that it actually is. Instead, they calculate and use its reaction

cross section with a unit point static charge only at a specific point. How much

energy is diverged around a single standard unit point static coulomb is then

said to be the ‘‘magnitude of the potential’’ at that point. This is a nonsequitur of

first magnitude.8


For example, the small ‘‘swirl’’ of water flow diverged to stream around an

intercepting rock in a river bottom is not the river’s own flow magnitude. It

certainly is not the ‘‘magnitude of the river.’’ Neither is the standard reaction

cross section of the potential a measure of the potential’s actual ‘‘magnitude,’’

but is representative only of the local intensity of the potential’s composite

energy flows. Indeed, the potential’s ‘‘magnitude’’ with respect to any local

interception and extraction of energy from it is limited only by one’s ability to

(1) intercept the flow and (2) diverge it into a circuit to power the circuit. The

energy flows identically constituting the potential [1,16,20] replenish the withdrawn

energy as fast as it can be diverged in practical processes, since the

vacuum energy flows themselves move at the speed of light.

Anonymous ID: 20022e Dec. 5, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.4177643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7654

We hit on the stratagem of using a highly specialized magnetic core material,

nanocrystalline in nature and in special tape-wound layered structure, to try to

extract the energy from the magnetic vector potential (A potential) as a

magnetic B field (curl of the A potential) that is locally restricted to the special

nanocrystalline material that forms a closed magnetic flux path closed on both

poles of the permanent magnet dipole. Because of its nature and also its tapewound

layered construction, the nanocrystalline material (obtained off the

shelf as a commerical product from Honeywell) will perform this separation

of B-field and A-potential energy that is heretofore unheard of in such a simple

magnetic core mechanism and flux path material.


We point out that a tightly wound, very long coil does a similar thing, as does

a good toroid, and the separation of A potential from B field is known. This forms

the basis for the Aharonov–Bohm [21] effect, for example.10 In such cases, it is

not so well known that the curl-free A potential remains fully replenished, even

though ‘‘all’’ the magnetic field (curled A potential) has been diverted. To our

knowledge, such effects have not previously been utilized in magnetic core

materials themselves, where the B-field energy is extracted and moved into a

separate flux path through space. Our experimental measurements showed the

magnetic field was indeed missing in the space surrounding the closed flux path

material, but the A potential was still present outside the core and its changes

interacted with coils in a dA/dt manner. The B-field and associated magnetic

flux were rigorously confined internally to the nanocrystalline material flux



Now we had two streams of EM energy, each in different form, and each

equal in energy (determined by the Poynting-type calculation approach, which

only accounts for diversion from and not for the river) to the original stream! In

short, we had exercised gauge freedom and asymmetric self-regauging to freely

achieve energy amplification in the system.

Anonymous ID: 20022e Dec. 5, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.4177764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8200

It is now clear—by fluid flow analogy and actual experiment—that we have

found the perfect magnetic mechanism for (1) producing ‘‘magnetic energy

winds’’ at will, furnished freely by nature in natural dipole processes only

recently recognized [16] and clarified [20] in the literature; (2) producing a

magnetic ‘‘windmill’’ that freely extracts energy from these free winds provided

by nature from these newly understood processes; and (3) creating positive

energy feedforward and feedback iterative interactions in a coil around a core,

resulting from dual energy inputs to the coil from actions (1) in the core inside

the coil and (2) in the surrounding altered vacuum containing a continuously

replenished field-free magnetic potential A, and hence representing a separate

source of energy that will react with a coil.


Iterative mutual interactions, occurring between the two interactions in the

coil itself, add a third small increase of energy from the resulting convergent

energy gain (asymmetric self-regauging) series. The additional amplification of

the energy is given by the limit of the resulting convergent series for energy

collection in the coil. In this novel new usage, the net result is that the coil is an

energy amplifying coil, or negative resistor, freely and continuously fed by

excess input energy from an external active source. As can be seen, this is a

startling extension to conventional generator and transformer theory.


A multiplicity of such positive energy feedforward and feedback loops occur

and exist between all components of the new process. The system becomes a

true open system receiving excess energy from the free flow of energy

established in its vacuum environment by the subprocesses of this invention’s

system process.


Consequently, we have experimentally established this totally new process

and field of technology, and also have experimentally established that it is not

necessary to deplete the permanent-magnet dipole after all. With the new techniques,

direct replenishment energy from the active vacuum is readily furnished to

the permanent magnet and utilized by the system.


Extraction of usable EM energy from the vacuum is not some tremendously

difficult technical feat that can only come a century or so from now. Instead, it is

a readily obtainable capability right now, once the fundamental principles are

understood and applied.

Anonymous ID: 20022e Dec. 5, 2018, 10:22 p.m. No.4178060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A process has been provided whereby useful electromagnetic energy may be

extracted from the dipole of a permanent magnet, via the giant negentropy

process [16,20] associated with the magnetic dipole. In that process, an outflow

of EM energy is continuously furnished by the magnet dipole in all directions in

3-space, and the energy to the dipole is freely furnished from the time domain of

the active vacuum [1,16,20]. Whittaker [1] demonstrated this giant negentropy

mechanism in 1903, but apparently failed to recognize its implications for

electrical power systems. Recent recognition of the mechanism and its implications

for electrical power systems was accomplished by one of the inventors,

Bearden [16], and then more deeply examined by Evans and Bearden [20].


By using the principle that essentially unlimited energy can be withdrawn

from (collected from) a potential, and the withdrawn energy will be replaced by

the potential’s negative-resistor action using the giant negentropy mechanism

[1,16,20], a practical approach to free-energy sources for self-powering and

COP 1.0 electrical power systems anywhere in the universe is provided.


By using the principle that iterative transformation of its form energy in a

replenishing potential environment can be repeatedly reused to do work, so long

as the form of the energy resulting at the completion of each work phase is

retained and reprocessed, one joule of energy can be utilized to do many joules

of work, as precisely permitted by the energy conservation law with regauging.

This is a major change to the work–energy theorem of electrodynamics, which

implicitly has assumed only a single change of form of the energy, followed by

loss (escape from the system) of all the energy in the new form. In short, the

present work–energy theorem is only a special case valid under those assumed

special conditions. The invented process takes advantage of the extended work–

energy theorem where one joule of energy—accompanied by retention of the

new form of energy resulting from work—can evoke multiple joules of work in

a replenishing potential environment.

Anonymous ID: 20022e Dec. 5, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.4178081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By using the principle that one joule in ‘‘iterative form changing mode with

retention’’ can do many joules of work on a component of a system—to wit, on

the Drude electron gas in an electrical circuit, where the potential energy is

increased by the increased kinetic energy of the electrons having the work done

on them—the extended work–energy theorem can be utilized to overpotentialize

the receiving Drude electron gas, thereby regauging the system to add

excess energy by gauge freedom and outputting more electrical energy to the

load than is input to the system by the operator.


By then dissipating in loads this excess energy collected in the Drude

electron gas in the output circuit, the invented process provides greater energy

to be dissipated in the load than is input by the operator. The combination of

processes thus allows an EM system freely functioning as an open system not in

equilibrium with its active vacuum (due to the giant negentropy mechanism

[1,16,20]), hence permitted to exhibit COP 1.0. In this way, more work output

can be accomplished by the system process than the work that the operator must

perform on the system to operate it.


By using the principle of governed, clamped positive feedback32 of a portion

of the increased output back to the input, the system can be close-looped and

can power itself and its load, with all the energy furnished by self-regauging

from the active vacuum as an external energy source, furnishing excess energy

to the magnetic dipole’s magnetostatic potential and associated magnetic vector

potential, thereby replenishing energy withdrawn from the magnetic vector

potential by the subprocesses in the overall system process.


One system operating in closed-loop mode can also have one fraction of its

output devoted to jump-starting another such system in tandem, then switching

the second system into self-powering closed-loop mode, then jump-starting

another such system, which is then switched to self-powering, and so on. In that

way, multiple systems can be ‘‘piggybacked’’ so that an exceptionally large

power system consisting of a group of such ‘‘piggy-backing‘‘ systems can be

produced. In case of system failure, all can be started again in the same series,

by furnishing only the initial small input required to jump-start the first system

of the group. In this way, very large power systems such as necessary to power

automobiles, trucks, ships, trains, and other vehicles can be produced, and yet

the backup jump-starting source—such as a storage battery—can be very small,

such as a simple flashlight battery.

Anonymous ID: 20022e Dec. 5, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.4178124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

B. Implications for the Crisis in Oil Supplies versus Energy Demands


The emerging overunity electrical power systems—including ‘‘self-powered’’

systems freely taking all their energy from the local vacuum—will produce a

total revolution in transportation, electrical power systems, backup power

systems, and so on [68,69]. In the process, the electrical power is obtained

freely and cleanly from the vacuum, from permanent-magnet dipoles continuously

replenished from the active vacuum via the giantA more significant fraction of the electrical power system can thus be

decentralized, and degradation in case of system failure will be graceful and

local. Yet full use can still be made of the existing power grids and power

systems. As an example, arrays of self-powering electrical heater systems can

be developed and used to heat the boilers in many standard power systems,

thereby stopping the burning of hydrocarbons in those plants, and drastically

reducing the pollution of the biosphere and the lungs of living creature

including humans. This would allow a graceful phase-in of new, clean, selfpowering

electrical power systems; reduction of hydrocarbon combustion for

commercial electricity production; and ready increase in electrical power to

meet increasing world demands, even in poor nations and developing countries,

while capitalizing and using much of the very large ‘‘sunk costs’’ investment in

present large power systems. The core material fabrication is labor-intensive, so

it is made in developing nations where such jobs are sorely needed and greatly

benefit both the individual people and the nation. The dramatically increased

use of and demand for these materials would thus stimulate substantial

economic growth in those nations by providing many more jobs.


The conversion of power systems and replacement of a fraction of them, can

proceed vigorously, since production and scaleup of systems utilizing this

process can be very rapid. Except for the cores, all fabrication, parts, techniques,

tooling, and other procedures are simple and standard and very economical—

and are already on hand and used by a great many manufacturing companies
